பூமிமிமிமி NINழமிழமிழததததமிமிமிமிமிழ**** (४) जो भिक्षु दूध, दही आदि विगययुक्त आहार करता है, उसकी कर्म-क्षय की शक्ति ऊपर की छाल
5 को खाने वाले घुण के समान अल्प होती है। उक्त चारों में त्वक्- खाद समान भिक्षु का तप सर्वश्रेष्ठ उत्तम
है । छल्ली - खाद समान भिक्षु का तप मध्यम है। काष्ठ खाद समान भिक्षु का तप जघन्य है और सार खाद समान भिक्षु का तप जघन्यतर श्रेणी का है। (स्थानांग वृत्ति, भाग १, पृ. ३१३ तथा हिन्दी टीका, पृ. ६६६-६६७)
Elaboration-One who lives on alms is called bhikshaak. According to Sutrakritanga a bhikshu is an ascetic who has conquered his senses jitendriya), is free of attachment, is absolutely unperturbed and survives on donated food. Here bhikshu is compared with wood-worm. Depending on its boring capacity a wood worm consumes wood from specific sections 5 of a tree, such as skin, bark, wood or the central core. (1) A worm with maximum boring capacity reaches the core of a tree. The intensity of the power of destroying karmas of an ascetic who eats leftover, dry and drab food is very high like the boring capacity of a wood-worm that consumes the central core. (2) Such intensity in case of an ascetic who consumes food saturated with proscribed ingredients, such as milk, curd, butter etc. is very low like that of skin eating worm. (3) Such intensity in case of an ascetic who consumes curry-less dry food is high like that of wood eating worm. (4) Such intensity in case of an ascetic who consumes food containing proscribed ingredients like milk, curd, butter etc. is ordinary like that of bark eating worm. Of these four the austerity of an ascetic like tvak-khaad worm is of highest order, that of an ascetic like chhalli-khaad worm is of high order, that of an ascetic like kaasth-khaad worm is of low order and that of an ascetic like saar-khaad worm is of lowest order. (Sthananga Vritti, p. 313 and Hindi Tika, pp. 666-667)
तृण - वनस्पति - पद TRINA VANASPATI PAD (SEGMENT OF GRAMINEOUS PLANTS) ५७. चउब्विहा तण - वणस्सतिकाइया पण्णत्ता, तं जहा- अग्गबीया, मूलबीया, पोरबीया, खंबीया ।
५७. (बादर वनस्पति) तृण-वनस्पतिकायिक जीव चार प्रकार के हैं - ( १ ) अग्रबीज - जिस वनस्पति का अग्र भाग बीज हो, जैसे- गेहूँ आदि । (२) मूलबीज- जिस वनस्पति का मूल ही बीज हो, जैसे- कमल, जमीकन्द आदि । ( ३ ) पर्वबीज - जिस वनस्पति का पर्व ही बीज हो, जैसे- ईख आदि । ( ४ ) स्कन्धबीजजिस वनस्पति का स्कन्ध ही बीज हो, जैसे-चमेली वृक्ष आदि ।
57. Trin or badar-vanaspatikayik jiva (gramineous or gross plantbodied beings are of three kinds (1) agra-beej-those which grow when
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