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shuchi drishti (clean in perception/faith) as well. (2) Some man is clean
in body but ashuchi drishti (unclean in perception/faith). (3) Some man is unclean in body but clean in perception/faith. (4) Some man is unclean 卐 in body and in perception/faith as well. 卐
52. Men are of four kinds-(1) Some man is shuchi (clean in body) and
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55 conduct). (3) Some man is unclean in body but clean in character and
conduct. (4) Some man is unclean in body and in character and conduct as well.
51. Men are of four kinds-(1) Some man is shuchi (clean in body) and
shuchi sheel-achaar (clean in character and conduct) as well. (2) Some
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man is clean in body but ashuchi sheel-achaar (unclean in character and
53. Men are of four kinds-(1) Some man is shuchi (clean in body) and
shuchi vyavahar (clean in behaviour) as well. (2) Some man is clean in
body but ashuchi vyavahar (unclean in behaviour). (3) Some man is unclean in body but clean in behaviour. (4) Some man is unclean in body and in behaviour as well.
54. Men are of four kinds-(1) Some man is shuchi (clean in body) and shuchi parakram (clean in endeavour) as well. (2) Some man is clean in body but ashuchi parakram (unclean in endeavour). (3) Some man is unclean in body but clean in endeavour. (4) Some man is unclean in body and in endeavour as well.
Elaboration Shuchi means cleanliness or purity. It is of two kinds(1) by svabhaava (nature or attitude), and (2) by samskar (by cleaning or lustrating). For example originally clean cloth is shuchi by nature. After washing, ironing and applying perfume it becomes shuchi by cleaning or lustrating. In case of man, taking a bath leads to a clean body and education and influence of religion leads to cleanliness or purity of mind, thought and behaviour.
५५. चत्तारि कोरवा पण्णत्ता, तं जहा - अंबपलंबकोरवे, तालपलंबकोरवे, वल्लिपलंबकोरवे, मेंढविसाणकोरवे ।
स्थानांगसूत्र (१)
विवेचन - शुचि का अर्थ है - पवित्रता । वह दो प्रकार की होती है - ( १ ) स्वभाव से, और (२) संस्कार से। जैसे मूल रूप से स्वच्छ वस्त्र स्वभाव से शुचि माना जाता है। धोने व प्रेस करने पर या सुगंधित बनाने पर वह संस्कारजन्य पवित्र होता है। पुरुष के संदर्भ में स्नान आदि करने पर बाहरी (द्रव्य) पवित्रता आती है। तथा शिक्षा व धर्म के द्वारा संस्कारित होने से मन, विचार और व्यवहार की पवित्रता भाव पवित्रता है।
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