455 456 457 455 456 457 45540
5 %$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$ ॐ प्रणत भाव से परिणत है, (३) कोई शरीर से प्रणत और उन्नत भाव से परिणत, और (४) कोई शरीर से प्रणत और प्रणत भाव से भी परिणत होता है।] ।
8. (3) qq are your so la testa (9) anté qat Bite 386 (BTH) 14 an Eta 7. () onts Jaa, Fong qua 94 arm (494), (3) antyra, fennel sa 14 ani, sit
() on Tuet TUG BY YUGT 164 CIS ETAT $1 ॐ पुरुष भी चार प्रकार के होते हैं, जैसे-(१) कोई पुरुष शरीर से उन्नत और उन्नत रूप वाला होता
है, (२) कोई शरीर से उन्नत किन्तु प्रणत रूप वाला, (३) कोई शरीर से प्रणत किन्तु उन्नत रूप वाला, और (४) कोई शरीर से प्रणत और प्रणत रूप वाला होता है।
2. (1) Trees are of four kinds—(1) Some tree is unnat (superior) in physical terms (parameters of size) and in terms of class (parameters of
quality) as well (for example saal and mango). (2) Some tree is superior \ in physical terms but pranat (inferior) in terms of class (for example 4 Neem etc.). (3) Some tree is inferior in physical terms but superior in
terms of class (for example Ashoka, cardamom, clove etc.). (4) Some tree is inferior in physical terms and in terms of class as well (for example bushes of Khair or catechu, Babool or acacia, Ber or jujube etc.).
In the same way men are also of four kinds (1) Some man is unnat (superior) in physical terms (body and wealth) and in terms of class (parameters of quality, such as knowledge) as well (for example Bharat Chakravarti). (2) (Some man is superior in physical terms but pranat
(inferior) in terms of class (for example Brahmadatt). (3) Some man is $i inferior in physical terms but superior in terms of class (for example
Harikesh Bal). (4)] Some man is inferior in physical terms and in terms of class as well (for example Kaalashaukarik).
3. (2) Trees are of four kinds—(1) Some tree is unnat (superior) in physical terms (parameters of size) and unnat parinat (superior in parameters of acquired or attained qualities) as well. (2) Some tree is superior in physical terms but pranat parinat (inferior in parameters of
acquired or attained qualities). (3) Some tree is inferior in physical terms 4 but superior in parameters of acquired or attained qualities. (4) Some
tree is inferior in physical terms and in parameters of acquired or attained qualities as well.
In the same way men are of four kinds-(1) Some man is unnat (superior) in physical terms (parameters of size) and unnat parinat (superior in parameters of acquired or attained qualities, such as knowledge) as well. (2) Some man is superior in physical terms but
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