of less or more quantum of karmas. Of the aforesaid four ant-kriya (last action, the first one is related to a person born with meager quantum of karmas and leading a long ascetic life. The second one is related to a 45 person born with large quantum of karmas and leading a short ascetic life. The third one is related to a person born with large quantum of karmas and leading a long ascetic life. And the fourth one is related to a person born with meager karmas and leading a short ascetic life. All people who got, get and will get liberated of bondage of karmas to become enlightened and perfected did, do and will go through one of the aforesaid four kinds of ant-kriya. For stories of (1) Bharat, (2) Gajasukumar, (3) Sanatkumar Chakri, and (4) Marudevi refer to
Kathanuyog, part 1 and Hindi Tika, p. 543. ॐ विशेष पदों के अर्थ
(१) संजमबहुले-सत्रह प्रकार के संयम की साधना करने वाले। (२) संवरबहुले-मिथ्यात्व आदि अशुभ योगों से पूर्णतः निवृत्त। (३) समाहिबहुले-राग-द्वेष आदि विक्षेप/विकारों से मुक्त समाधि में म स्थित। (४) लूहे-रूक्ष, उदासीन वृत्ति। (५) तीरट्ठी-संसार-समुद्र के पार जाने को तैयार। (६)
उवहाणवं-विविध प्रकार के तपोनुष्ठान में संलग्न। (७) दुक्खक्खवे-दुःखों का क्षय करने को उद्यत। (८) ॐ तवस्सी-बारह प्रकार के तपश्चरण में संलीन। 4 TECHNICAL TERMS
(1) Samyam-bahul-one who practices extensive discipline of all the seventeen kinds. (2) Samvar-bahul-one who practices extensive blocking of inflow of karmas by absolute renouncing of mithyatva (false perception or belief) and ashubh yoga (ignoble association). (3) Samadhibahul-one who practices extensive meditation freeing himself of attachment, aversion and other perversions. (4) Loohe (ruksha)consumer of drab dry food; also having attitude of disinterest. (5) Tiratthi (tirarthi)-aspirant of crossing the ocean of mundane existence. (6) Uvahanavam (upadhan)-engaged in observing a variety of austerities (tap). (7) Dukkhakkhave-ready to destroy miseries. (8) Tavassi (tapasvi)-engaged in observing twelve kinds of austerities. उन्नत-प्रणत-पद (उन्नत-प्रणत के दस विकल्प) UNNAT-PRANAT-PAD
(SEGMENT OF SUPERIOR AND INFERIOR) २. (१) चत्तारि रुक्खा पण्णत्ता, तं जहा-उण्णते णाममेगे उण्णते, उण्णते णामेगे पणते, पणते णाममेगे उण्णते, पणते णाममेगे पणते।
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स्थानांगसूत्र (१)
Sthaananga Sutra (1)
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