A variety of topics connected with the numeral four are compiled in the Fourth Sthaan. In general this chapter contains quads related to numerous subjects including ontology, geography, nature and psychology. At the same time it also contains subtle analysis of human psychology using physical metaphors like trees, fruits, clouds, pot, dress, elephant, horse etc. This symbolic treatment is not just interesting, it also reveals a variety of life styles. Taking trees, fruits, clouds and pots and others as objects of comparison and man as subject, human behaviour, nature, character and inner attributes have been enumerated. An analysis of these quads makes it evident that Jain philosophy looks at everything from various angles with a relative viewpoint (Anekant drishti).
The chapter starts with the discussion of ant-kriya (last action or ending cycles of death). The four kinds of ant-kriya have been explained with the examples of Bharat Chakravarti for the first, Gajasukumal for the second, Sanatkumar Chakravarti for the third and that of Marudevi for the fourth.
In the segments of vikatha, katha and kashaya there is an enlightening description of their kinds with examples of beings consequently destined to a good or bad reincarnation.
Also interesting and edifying is the description of four kinds of sons and persons. The commentator has pointed at numerous examples of these. Geographical descriptions include descriptions of Jambudveep, Dhatakikhand and Pushkaravar Dveep etc. The detailed description of Nandishvar Dveep is astonishing.
Among the ontological topics the details about the ascetics and lay persons encumbered with excessive and mild karmas and the categories and sub-categories of meditation in the segment of meditation are worth pondering.
The information about four kinds each of miserable and comfortable beds is very instructive for every aspirant. The kinds of acharya and his disciples are informative about their mind-reflections.
To sum up, it would be appropriate to say that this placement is a rich compendium of knowledge as well as general experience.
स्थानांगसूत्र (१)
Jain Education International
Sthaananga Sutra (1)
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