ॐ ९९. दुष्प्रणिधान तीन प्रकार का होता है-(१) मनःदुष्प्रणिधान, (२) वचनदुष्प्रणिधान, और
(३) कायदुष्प्रणिधान। तीनों दुष्प्रणिधान सभी पंचेन्द्रियों में यावत् वैमानिक देवों में होते हैं। 卐 96. Pranidhan (concentration) is of three kinds—(1) manah
pranidhan (mental concentration), (2) vachan-pranidhan (vocal concentration), and (3) kaya-pranidhan (physical concentration). These
three kinds of concentration are applicable to all beings belonging to all 4 dandaks (places of suffering) from five-sensed animals to Vaimanik gods.
97. Supranidhan (noble concentration) is of three kinds-(1) manah
supranidhan (noble mental concentration), (2) vachan-supranidhan 卐 (noble vocal concentration), and (3) kaya-supranidhan (noble physical E
concentration). 98. Disciplined persons have three kinds of supranidhan (noble concentration)(1) manah-supranidhan (noble mental
concentration), (2) vachan-supranidhan (noble vocal concentration), and fi (3) kaya-supranidhan (noble physical concentration).
99. Dushpranidhan (ignoble concentration) is of three kindsf (1) manah-dushpranidhan (ignoble mental concentration), (2) vachanfi dushpranidhan (ignoble vocal concentration), and (3) kaya
dushpranidhan (ignoble physical concentration). These three kinds of it ħ ignoble concentration are applicable to all beings belonging to all Fi dandaks (places of suffering) from five-sensed animals to Vaimanik gods.
विवेचन-प्रणिधान का अर्थ है-एकाग्रता। एकाग्रता का उपयोग शुभ-अशुभ दोनों कार्यों में होता है, अतः शुभ की एकाग्रता सुप्रणिधान, अशुभ की एकाग्रता दुष्प्रणिधान है। एकाग्रता केवल मानसिक ही नहीं, बल्कि वचन की और काय की भी होती है।
Elaboration-Pranidhan means focusing or concentration. Concentration is applied to both noble and ignoble actions. Thus concentration in noble acts is shubh pranidhan and concentration in ignoble acts is dushpranidhan. Concentration is not just mental, it is vocal and physical as well. योनि-पद YONI-PAD (SEGMENT OF WOMB)
१००. तिविहा जोणी पण्णत्ता, तं जहा-सीता, उसिणा, सीओसिणा। एवं-एगिदियाणं विगलिंदियाणं तेउकाइयवज्जाणं समुच्छिम पंचिंदियतिरिक्खजोणियाणं संमुच्छिम मणुस्साण य। १०१. तिविहा जोणी पण्णत्ता, तं जहा-सचित्ता, अचित्ता, मीसिया। एवं-एगिंदियाणं '
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