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Elaboration These fifteen aphorisms list two classes each of five 41 immobile beings in three different contexts-minute and gross, fully 4 developed and underdeveloped, and transformed or turned lifeless by means of a weapon and non-transformed or live.
Here the terms sukshma (minute) and baadar (gross) do not convey comparative physical size. In context of the karma theory the beings with fruition of Sukshma Naam Karma are classified as sukshma (minute) and those with fruition of Baadar Naam Karma are classified as baadar (gross). Naam Karma being the karma responsible for negating the attribute of formlessness of soul and determining the destinies and body types. Gross beings exist only in certain parts of the Lok (occupied space) in their respective media, such as earth, water, fire etc. But the sukshma (minute) beings are spread all over the Lok
(occupied space) freely. Si On rebirth every soul acquires matter particles suitable for building
various functioning parts of its body, such as body with sense organs and
functions like breathing and speaking. The power to acquire these 4 particles is developed in Antarmuhurt (less than 48 minutes). Beings
fully endowed with such power are called paryaptak (fully developed). As long as they do not have such power they are called aparyaptak (underdeveloped). Here parinat simply means lifeless and aparinat means with life.
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936. graet call yourel, a 6-yRoretta, 379fopen zal
१३८. द्रव्य दो प्रकार के हैं-परिणत (बाह्य कारणों से वर्तमान पर्याय को छोड़कर अन्य रूपान्तर को प्राप्त अवस्था), और अपरिणत (अपने स्वाभाविक रूप से अवस्थित)।
138. Dravya (entities) are of two kinds--parinat (transformed from 41 original state or mode to another) and c.parinat (non-transformed or
existing in original state). PTATT ufa-FT4-6 STHAVAR JIVA-NIKAYA-PAD
(SEGMENT OF IMMOBILE CATEGORY OF BEINGS) १३९. दुविहा पुढविकाइया पण्णत्ता, तं जहा-गतिसमावण्णगा चेव, अगतिसमावण्णगा चेव। १४०. दुविहा आउकाइया पण्णत्ता, तं जहा-गतिसमावण्णगा चेव, अगतिसमावण्णगा चेव।) १४१. दुविहा तेउकाइया पण्णत्ता, तं जहा-गतिसमावण्णगा चेव, अगतिसमावण्णगा चेव। RICITE (8)
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Sthaananga Sutra (1)
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