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Rasa Vanijya = trading of drinks Manushya = righteous and and beverages (875/11)
accomplished but negligent fully
developed human being, born out of Rasa-Parinaam = transformation
womb, from the land of endeavour, as taste (8/10/19, 21)
having a life-span of countable Rath = chariot (8/9/19)
years, and endowed with special Ratnaprabha Prithvi (8/2/131; powers (8/9/84) 4 8/3/7, 8; 8/9/58; 9/32/16-29)
Rigveda (9/33/2) Ratna-Prabha Prithvi Nairayik- Rijumati = limited intellectual Praveshanak = entrance into the capacity (8/2/131) first hell (9/32/15)
Rishabh-Datt (9/33/2) Ratnaprabha-Prithvi (8/9/78)
Rishi = sage (9/34/6, 8) Ratnaprabha-Prithvi-Nairayik
Rishi-Vair = malice against sage Panchendriya-Vaikriya
(9/34/8) Sharira-Prayoga-Bandh = bondage related to transmutable
Ritu = protecting life forms body formation of five-sensed
including water-bodied beings infernal being of Ratnaprabha
(8/7/19, 24) prithvi (8/9/55)
Roag-Parishaha = ailment related Ratnaprabha-Prithvi-Nairayik
affliction (8/8/27, 34) Panchendriya - Vaikriya
Ruksh = dry (9/33/92, 110) Sharira-Prayoga-Naam-Karma = karma responsible for transmutable body formation of five-sensed infernal being of
Saadi-Aparyavasit = with a ! Ratnaprabha-prithvi (8/9/55)
beginning and without an end
(8/2/136, 139; 8/8/15, 21, 22; 8/9/12, Ratnaprabha-Prithvi-NairayikVaikriya-Sharira-PrayogaBandh = bondage related to
Saadi-Aparyavasit Bandh = transmutable body formation of
bondage with a beginning and infernal beings of the Ratnaprabha
without an end (8/9/12) prithvi (8/9/64, 68, 76)
Saadik Visrasa Bandh = natural Riddhiprapt-Pramattasamyat
bondage with a beginning (8/9/2,8) Sam yag drishti - Paryapt- Saadi-Saparyavasit = with a y
Sankhyey a varhsyu shk- beginning and with an end (8/2/136, $i Karm ab humij-Garbhaj- 139; 8/8/15, 21, 22; 8/9/12)
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