455 456 45 46 47 46 456 457 4554545454545454545454545454
44 445 446 447 4444444444444444444454545454545454545 Dandak = places of suffering Darshan-Parishaha (8/6/29; 8/10/58, 61)
perception/faith related affliction Dandi = the owner of a staff (8/10/59)
(8/8/24, 28, 34) 4 Danta Vanijya = trading in teeth,
Darshan-Pratyaneek = maligner bone and skin (8/5/11)
of perception/faith (8/8/7) fi Darpan = a mirror (9/33/72)
Datt = given (8/7/9-11) Darshan = perception/faith (8/9/99)
Davagnidapanata = causing
forest fire (8/5/11) Darshanaachaar (8/10/18)
Deept = opulent (9/33/2, 22) Darshan-Araadhana = practice of right perception/faith (8/10/3, 5, 18)
Deep-Yashti = pot of the lamp
(8/6/12) Darshanavaraniya Karma = perception/faith obscuring karma
Desh Samhanan-Bandh = partial (8/10/40-42, 45, 46, 58; 9/31/3, 26)
integrative bondage (8/9/18, 19) Darshanavaraniya-Karman.
Desh-Araadhak = partially 4 Sharira-Prayoga-Bandh
steadfast spiritual aspirant (8/10/2) bondage related to perception/faith Desh-Bandh = bondage in part or obscuring karmic body formation bondage of a part (8/9/4, 33, 34, 36(8/9/99)
45, 48-50, 62-64, 66-68, 70-73, 75, Darshanavaraniya-Karman
76, 79-82, 86-88, 93, 96, 112, 118, Sharira-Prayoga-Naam-Karma
120, 121, 123, 124, 126-128) = karma responsible for Desh-Bandhak = one that 15 perception/faith obscuring karmic acquires bondage of a part (8/9/50, y body formation (8/9/99)
82, 89, 96, 117, 119, 129) Darshan-Labdhi = attainment of Deshonakoti-Purva = less then ability of perception/faith (8/2/71, ten million purva; a metaphoric 74, 105)
unit of time (8/2/139) Darshan-Labdhi Jivas = living Desh-Viraadhak = partially beings having attained the ability of faltering spiritual aspirant (8/10/2) perception/faith (8/2/88)
Dev Gati = divine genuses (8/2/39) Darshan-Mohaniya Karma = perception/faith deluding karma
Devakul = temples (8/9/17) (8/8/28)
Devananda (9/33/3) Darshanopayoga = perceptive Dev-Ayushya-Karman-Sharirainvolvement (8/2/127; 9/31/25)
Prayoga-Bandh = bondage related
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