4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 455 456 457 455 456 457 455 456 457 4 55 456 457 455 456 457
4 5 4 455 456 458 Apratyakhyan Kashaya = Asamyat Samyagdrishti = 5 unrenounced passions (9/31/26) indisciplined righteous beings
(8/2/105) Apurvakaran = unprecedented purity; eighth Gunasthan (9/31/26). Asan = seat (8/9/19) Araadhak = steadfast (8/6/7-11) Asanjni Jivas = non-sentient
beings (8/2/70) Araadhana = steadfast practice
Asanjni Panchendriya Tiryanch (8/10/2); spiritual endeavour (8/10/3)
= non-sentient five-sensed animal
(8/2/35) 4i Aran Kalpopapannak Vaimanik
Asankhyat = innumerable Dev-Karma-Ashivish = poisonous
(9/32/27, 39) by action among celestial vehicular 4i divine beings belonging to Aran
Asankhyat Dev-Praveshanak = Kalp (8/2/16)
entrance for innumerable divine
beings (9/32/44) 4 Aras = tasteless (9/33/92, 110, 111)
Asankhyat Tiryanch-Yonik Arati-Parishaha = affliction
Praveshanak = entrance for 5 related to disturbance, disinterest innumerable animals (9/32/32, 33) Fior apathy in observing ascetic
Asat - non-existent (9/32/49, 50, discipline (8/8/28, 34)
52) Ardha-Pudgal-Paravartan =
Asata vedaniya-Karmantime taken by a soul to touch half of
Sharira-Prayoga-Bandh 5 the matter particles in the Lok
bondage related to displeasure (8/9/88)
experiencing karmic body formation Arhat = Venerable (9/33/98)
(8/9/101) Arihant Bhagavan = the
Asatavedaniya - KarmanOmniscient Lord (9/33/5)
= karma responsible for displeasure Arthavagraha = acquisition of
experiencing karmic body formation meaning (8/2/23)
(8/9/101) Arth-Pratyaneek = defier of the
Asatiposhanata = immoral traffic meaning (8/8/6, 7)
of women (8/5/11) Aryaa Chandana (9/33/18)
Ashan = staple food (8/6/1) Asamyat = devoid of restraint Asharira-Pratibaddha Jiva = (8/7/4-7, 11, 12, 16-21)
unembodied soul (8/2/18)
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