4545454545454545454545454545454545454544444444444444444 Kshetratikrant paan-bhojan (7/1/19)
Lobh-kashaayi jivas = beings with greed Kshobh = get agitated (5/7/1)
(6/4/13) Kshullak-bhava-grahan = 256 Avalikas
Lohakatah = steel cauldron (5/7/34) (6/7/5)
Lohi = a steel pan or concave platen Kuddalak (67/9)
(5/7/34) Kukkuti andak = hen's egg (7/1/19, 20) Lok (5/2/17) Kukkuti-and pramaan = equivalent to
Lok sanjna = inclination for specific the size of hen's egg (7/1/20)
information (7/8/5); to act according to
common social customs (7/8/6) Kukshi = 48 Anguls (6/7/7)
Lokaant = edge of the universe (6/5/43; Kukuti = filthy body (7/1/20)
6/6/5, 8) Kulath = a kind of gray or black gram; Dolichos biflorus (6/7/2)
Lokandhakaar (6/5/14)
Lokantik Devs = gods of the edge of the Kulmash - Udad; a pulse (5/2/13)
universe (6/5/36, 43) Kumar-shraman - initiated in
Lokantik Vimaans = celestial vehicles at adolescence (5/4/17)
the edge of the universe (6/5/32, 6/5/36, Kumud = a type of lotus (6/8/36)
41-43) Kunik (5/1/2)
Lokatamisra (6/5/14) Kunimahaari = carrion eaters (7/6/35, 36, 37)
(M) Kunthu = an insect (7/8/2)
Maagadhi (5/4/24) Kusumbh = a seed (6/7/3)
Maagh (7/3/1)
Maaghavati = intensely dark like the Labdh = acquired (5/4/36)
seventh hell (6/5/29, 31) Lantak dev-lok (5/8/19)
Maahendra dev-lok (5/8/19) Lava = seven Stoka (5/1/16, 21; 5/9/13; Maahendra kalp = the fourth heaven 6/7/4)
(6/5/2; 6/5/18; 6/8/26) Lavan Samudra = Salt Sea (5/1)
Maan sanjna = inclination of conceit Layan = a dugout or cave on a hill (7/8/5) (5/7/34)
Maan-kashaayi jivas - beings with Leekh = nit (6/6/5; 6/10/1)
conceit (6/4/13) Leshya = soul complexion (6/4/10, 20; Maan-pramaan = comparative measures 6/9/13; 7/5/2)
(5/9/10, 12) Leshya-dvar = port of soul-complexion Maargatikrant = transgression related (6/4/10)
to distance (7/1/19) Lichchhavi (7/9/5)
Maargatikrant paan-bhojana (7/1/19) Liksha (Leekh) = 8 Baalaagra (hair-tip) Maas = 30 Ahoratra; month (5/1/16, 21; of humans of Purva-videh area) (6/7/7)
6/7/5) Loam ahaar = intake through body hair Maaya sanjna = inclination of deceit or follicle (7/1/4)
(7/8/5) Lobh sanjna - inclination of greed Maaya-kashaayi jivas - beings with (7/8/5)
deceit (6/4/13)
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