56 457 455 456 457 456 457 455 456 457 455 456 457 454 455 456 457 41 42
54545454 455 4
454 455 456 457 455 456 457 455 4545454545455 456 457 455 456 454545454 455 456 455 456 454 455 456 457 455
Khand-bhed = breaking into pieces Kosa = Gavyut; Gau; 2000 Dhanush (5/4/36)
(6/7/7) Khanjan = dirt of a wheel (6/1/4, 14) Kotisabit (7/2/7) Kharamuhi = small drum (5/4/1)
Kotisahit-pratyakhyan = where the last Khatika = trench or gully (5/7/34)
day of one abstainment and the first day
of the immediate next abstainment Khattamegh = alkaline water bearing
become common (7/2/8) cloud (7/6/31)
Kreetakrit = purchased for shramans Khechar (8/1/28)
(5/6/15, 16, 17, 18) Khechar panchendriya tiryanch = aerial Krishna leshya - black complexion of five-sensed animals or birds (7/5/2)
soul (6/4/10; 7/3/6) Khechar tiryanch-yonik panchendriya Krishna vivar = area of darkness audarik sharira kaaya-prayoga parinat (6/5/16) = transformed due to conscious activity
Krishna-raji = cluster of darkness or of gross physical body of five-sensed
agglomerative entity of earth-derived aerial animal (8/1/62)
darkness (6/5/17-32, 43; 6/8/26) Khechar tiryanch-yonik panchendriya
Kriya - act and consequence in terms of prayoga parinat pudgala = matter
karmic bondage (5/6/12); activities (8/-/-; consciously transformed as bodies of aerial five-sensed animals (8/1/10)
Kriyavaad = doctrine of endeavour (5/-/-) Khet = kraals (7/6/31)
Krodh sanjna = inclination of anger Khilibhoot = fully fused (6/1/4)
(7/8/5) Khiluda (7/3/5)
Krodh-kashaayi jivas = beings with Khimsana = reprimanding (5/6/3)
anger (6/4/13) Kithin = hermit-bowl made of bamboo Kshapak shreni = path of destruction of (7/9/15)
karmas (5/4/33) Kittika = Varaha-kand; Tacca Kshayik = due to destruction of karmas leontopetaloides (7/3/5)
(5/4/18) Kulakars = clan-founders (5/-/-)
Kshayopasham = destruction-cumKodakodi Sagaropam = a metaphoric
pacification (5/4/18) unit of time (6/3/11)
Ksheen moha = destroyed attachment Kodon = Kodrav; Paspalum scrobiculum
(5/4/33); destroyed deluding karma
(6/3/7) (6/7/3)
Ksheen-bhogi = with an emaciated body Kodrav = Kodon; Paspalum scrobiculum
(7/7/20) (6/7/3)
Kshetra Palyopam (6/7/8) Kolahal = replete with pandemonium (7/6/31)
Kshetra-sthaan-ayu = period of existence
at a place (5/7/29) Kolasthik = berry seed (6/10/1)
Kshetradesh = in context of area (5/8/4, Koop = well (5/7/34)
5,8) Koot = peak or pinnacle (5/7/34)
Kshetratikrant = transgression related Korant (7/9/20)
to movement of the sun (7/1/19)
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