* $444444444444444 bhavya and abhavya because they are no-bhavasiddhik-no- ! abhavasiddhik. Therefore only two categories of singular and plural 9 should be stated for them. This is applicable only to categories of jiva (in general) and Siddhas because other beings including infernal ones do not qualify for the category no-bhavasiddhik-no-abhavasiddhik.
(4) Sanjni dvar-Sanjni (sentient) beings have two categories of singular and plural. In the plural category there are three alternatives for jiva (in general)-(1) The sanjni jivas past the moment of birth are sapradesh relative to time, (2) after the intervening period when one being is born then in context of its first Samaya of birth it is said that many beings are sapradesh and one is apradesh, and (3) when numerous beings are born at the same Samaya it is said that many beings are sapradesh and many are apradesh. Thus these three alternatives are applicable to all categories. However, one-sensed beings, two to four sensed beings (vikalendriya), and Siddhas should not be included in these two categories. This is because these beings are never sentient. For asanjni (non-sentient) jivas other than one-sensed beings these three y
alternatives (bhang) should be stated. One-sensed beings have no y fi alternative (abhang) just one state-many sapradesh and many
apradesh (without sections). This is because they are born in large numbers every moment. Asanini jivas are born among all beings from
infernal to interstitial gods. As long as they do not become sentient they fi should be treated as asanjni. For infernal beings six alternatives have
been mentioned due to probability of non-sentience as well as singularity and plurality. Jyotishk gods, Vaimanik gods and Siddhas should not be included in asanjni category because that state is impossible in them. There are two categories of no-sanjni-no-asanjni beings. Of these the
second category of plurality has three aforesaid alternatives for jiva (in fi general), humans and Siddhas. This is because among them many are
already born and there is possibility of one or more being born. In the said two categories of no-sanini-no-asanjni, only jiva (in general), humans and Siddhas are included because infernal and other beings do not qualify for this class. 4. stran ar LESHYA-DVAR (PORT OF SOUL-COMPLEXION)
१०. [१] सलेसा जहा ओहिया। कण्हलेस्सा नीललेस्सा काउलेस्सा जहा आहारओ, नवरं जस्स * अस्थि एयाओ। तेउलेस्साए जीवादिओ तियभंगो, नवरं पुढविकाइएसु आउ-वणप्फतीसु छन्भंगा। # पम्हलेस-सुक्कलेस्साए जीवाइओ तियभंगो।
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