44 445 44 45 46 44 41 41 41 454545454 455 456 457 451 451 451 454545454545454545 bahya = outer (3/10/1)
bhagandar = fistula of the anus (3/7/5 (31) bal - physical strength (1/3/9, 10; 1/7/9; Bhagavai (2/5/27; 3/1/13, 26; 3/6/5) 1/8/11; 48; 2/10/9; 3/1/3, 29; 3/6/5, 10)
Bhagavantanam (2/1/50) Baladev (2/9/1)
Bhagayati Sutra Prameyachandrika balahak = cloud (3/4/7-9)
Tika (3/1/50) balasampanna = rich in physical Bhagavati Vritti (3/1/17) strength (2/5/12)
bhakt-pratyakhyan = to die after balaya maran (balanmaran) - to die abandoning intake of food till death and writhing (2/1/26)
still taking proper care of the body Balichancha = the capital city of
(2/1/27, 29, 31) Asurendra Bali (3/1/30-33, 35-40)
Bhambhasar (1/1/4 (1)) bali-karma = propitiatory rites (2/5/14; bhang = alternatives (1/5/33) 3/1/25)
bhangantar = diverse alternatives Balindra (3/1/11; 3/6/15; 3/8/3)
(1/3/15) Balu (3/7/5 [4])
Bharat (1/1/6 (241) Balukaprabha = third prithvi or hell Bharat-varsh (3/1/24, 35) (1/5/11; 2/3/1; 3/2/6)
bhasha = language (2/1/1) bandh = bond (1/1/6 [1]); bondage of
bhasha pudgal = speech-particles (2/6/1) karmas (2/5/11)
bhasha samiti = careful speech (2/1/37) Bandhujivak = a tree (1/1/12)
bhasha vargana = speech class (2/6/1) Bang Desh = Bengal (3/1/26)
bhashak = speakers (2/6/1) Barbar = a tribe (3/2/15)
bhasha-man - speech and mind (3/1/13) Bebhel (3/2/19-21)
bhasha-man paryapti. (3/1/34) Bechardas (3/3/14)
bhashante = assert (2/5/1) beej = seed (3/4/4)
Bhashapad = bhaava = state (2/1/4, 24; 2/10/2, 5, 6;
eleventh chapter of
Prajnapana Sutra (2/6/1) 3/3/11-14)
bhava nirodh = eliminated rebirth bhaava leshya = mental complexion
(2/1/8) (1/9/10) Bhaavalok (2/1/24)
bhava pratyayik = acquired at birth
(1/5/23) Bhaavasiddhi. (2/1/24)
primary bhaavendriya = sensual awareness
transmutable body; incarnation (1/7/10)
sustaining body (1/2/13; 3/2/32; 1/5/13, bhaavit = enkindling (1/1/4 [3]; 1/1/12; 16, 36; 1/7/18) 1/2/22; 1/6/12; 2/1/17, 45; 2/5/11, 21)
Bhavakkhayenam = on shedding of the bhaavitatma = accomplished (2/2/1)
particles of naam-karma responsible for bhaavitatma anagar = accomplished
the divine state; concluding the state ascetic (3/4/1-4, 14-17; 3/5/1-14; 3/6/1, 3,
(2/1/54) 4, 6, 9-11, 13)
bhavanavaas = divine abodes (3/2/4) bhadra = noble (1/6/12)
Bhavanavasi = abode dwelling gods
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