ignorance related to
Avadhi-jnana or pervert Avadhi-jnana (2/10/9)
Avadhi-darshan perception (2/10/9)
Avadhi-jnana = knowledge acquired through extrasensory perception of the physical dimension something akin to clairvoyance (1/4/15; 3/2/25, 28, 31, 32; 2/10/9; 3/4/4; 3/6/8)
Avadhi-jnana labdhi = power of extrasensory knowledge (3/6/6, 9, 10)
endowed with Avadhi
Avadhi-jnani jnana(3/2/17; 3/4/4)
Avaga lh occupied space (2/4/1)
avagahana space occupied or physical dimension (1/5/6, 10, 11; 3/1/13, 34; 2/10/4; 4/10/1)
avakashantar intervening space or distance between two bodies or layers of air (1/6/1, 18, 20, 22; 1/9/4, 16; 2/10/19, 22)
Avalika = a unit of time (2/9/1; 2/10/12) avalika bahya random (2/7/2)
avalika pravisht in a row (2/3/1; 2/7/2) avapatan kaal = downward movement (3/2/37)
Avart (3/8/3)
Avasarpini regressive cycle of time. (3/2/14)
Avasarpini-utsarpini regressive and progressive cycle of time (2/1/7) avasthit indestructible (2/10/2, 5, 6); steady (2/1/24; 2/10/2)
Avatamsak = great celestial vehicle or abode (3/7/4 [1]; 4/1, 2, 3, 4/4)
avigraha gati. straight movement (1/7/8)
restrained-unrestrained without lapse
aviradhit samyami = restrained without. a lapse (1/2/19)
Jain Education International
avirat = non-abstinent (1/1/12)
avirati = lack of abstinence (1/9/25); nonrestraint (1/1/7 [2], 8 [1]; 1/3/9)
avirya non-potency (1/3/10); without active potency (1/8/10, 11) aviryata non-potency (1/4/2) Avyabadh (avvavaha) = beyond all obstructions (1/1/4 [2])
avyaya non-expendable (2/1/24; 2/10/2) Ayambil eating once in a day food cooked or baked with a single ingredient even without any salt or other condiments (3/1/16)
Ayampul (3/7/6 [4])
ayam-vishkambh length-breadth (3/7/4 [1], 5 [1]; 4/1, 2, 3, 4/4)
ayoga enhancing wealth (2/5/11)
ayu-karma life-span determining karma (1/1/6 [1], 11; 1/9/26, 27)
ayushya karmas determining lifespans (1/9/20); life span (1/2/20)
ayushya karma = life-span determining karma (1/7/6)
baadar = gross (1/1/6 [1])
baal ignorant (1/1/3)
baal-maran ignorant's death (2/1/25,26) baal-pundit = ignorant-pundit partially righteous (1/8/3)
baal-pundit-viryata = ignorant pundit's potency (1/4/2, 3, 5)
baal-tap naive austerity (3/1/28; 3/2/21)
baal-virya ignorant's potency (1/4/5) baal-viryata ignorant's potency (1/4/2, 3) baddha bound (1/7/22; 1/8/9)
bahalya thickness; depth; width (2/3/1; 2/4/1; 2/7/2)
bahumat = sanctioned (2/1/34) Bahurat-vaad (1/1/5 [2])
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