Indras-(1) Chamarendra, and (2) Balindra. Naag Kumars have two Indras-(1) Dharanendra, and (2) Bhootanand. Each of the two Indras command four Lok-pals under them who in turn rule over other gods under them. This degree of command, rights, opulence, power and influence applies to all gods. Of the six names in each list in aphorism 3 the first two are Indras and the following four are their Lok-pals. Thus there are 20 Indras and 80 Lok-pals.
Basically abode dwelling gods have two classes—the northern and the southern. The overlords including Indras and Lok-pals of the ten kinds of abode drrelling gods have been listed here. After that is the list of the first Lok-pals of the overlords of the abode dwelling gods of the south from Soma to Avart. (There names also appear in Sthananga Sutra, 4/1)
४. [प्र.] पिसायकुमाराणं पुच्छा। [उ. ] गोयमा ! दो देवा आहेवच्चं जाव विहरंति, तं जहा
काले य महाकाले सुरूवं पडिरूव-पुनभद्दे य। अमरवइ माणिभद्दे भीमे य तहा महाभीमे ॥१॥ किन्नर किंपुरिसे खलु सप्पुरिसे खलु तहा महापुरिसे।
अतिकाय महाकाए गीतरती चेव गीयजसे ॥२॥ एते वाणमंतराणं देवाणं। ४. [प्र. ] भगवन् ! पिशाचकुमारों (वाणव्यन्तर देवों) पर कितने देव आधिपत्य करते हैं ?
[उ. ] गौतम ! उन पर दो-दो देव (इन्द्र) आधिपत्य करते हैं। वे इस प्रकार हैं-(१) काल (दक्षिण दिशावर्ती) और महाकाल (उत्तर दिशावर्ती), (२) सुरूप और प्रतिरूप, (३) पूर्णभद्र और मणिभद्र, (४) भीम और महाभीम, (५) किन्नर और किम्पुरुष, (६) सत्पुरुष और महापुरुष, (७) अतिकाय और महाकाय, तथा (८) गीतरति और गीतयश। ये सब वाणव्यन्तर देवों के अधिपति–इन्द्र हैं। ____4. [Q.] Bhante ! How many gods reign over Pishach Kumar (Vanavyantar or interstitial) gods ?
[Ans.] Gautam ! Over them pairs of gods (Indras) reign... and so on up to... enjoy divine pleasures. They are—(1) Kaal (southern) and Mahakaal (northern), (2) Surupa and Pratirupa, (3) Purnabhadra and Manibhadra, (4) Bheem and Mahabheem, (5) Kinnar and Kimpurush, (6) Satpurush and Mahapurush, (7) Atikaya and Mahakaya, and (8) Geet-rati and Geet-yash. These are Indras (overlords) of Vanavyantar gods.
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Bhagavati Sutra (1)
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