卐 [प्र. ४ ] भगवन् ! क्या वायुकाय एक दिशा में एक पताका के समान रूप बनाकर गति करता है अथवा दो दिशाओं में (एक साथ) दो पताकाओं के समान रूप बनाकर गति करता है?
उ. ] गौतम ! वह (वायुकाय), एक पताका के समान रूप बनाकर गति करता है, किन्तु दो दिशाओं में (एक साथ) दो पताकाओं के समान रूप बनाकर गति नहीं करता।
[प्र. ५ ] भगवन् ! उस समय क्या वह वायुकाय है या पताका है ? [उ. ] गौतम ! वह वायुकाय है, किन्तु पताका नहीं है।
6. [Q.1] Bhante ! Is a vayukaya (air-bodied being) transmuting into a large banner capable of travelling a distance of many Yojans ?
[Ans.] Yes, it is capable. __ [Q. 2] Bhante ! Does that vayukaya (air-bodied being) move with its own power or that of others ?
(Ans.) Gautam ! It moves with its own power and not with that of others.
As vayukaya (air-bodied being) moves with its own power so also it moves with its own karma and its own effort.
[Q.3] Bhante ! Does that vayukaya (air-bodied being) move in the form of a raised flag or a downcast flag ? 4i (Ans.] Gautam ! It moves both in the form of a raised flag as well as a downcast flag ?
(Q. 4] Bhante ! Does that vayukaya (air-bodied being) move in one 4 direction in the form of one type of flag or in two directions at once in the form of two types of flag ?
[Ans.) Gautam ! It moves only in one direction in the form of one type 4 of flag and not in two directions at once in the form of two types of flag?
IQ.5] Bhante ! At that time is it vayukaya (air-bodied being) or a flag? [Ans.] Gautam ! It is vayukaya (air-bodied being) and not a flag.
विवेचन : वायुकाय वैक्रियशरीर सम्पन्न है तथा उसका संस्थान पताका के आकार का है। वृत्तिकार के अनुसार चारों पताका की आकृति इस प्रकार बनती है। ऊर्ध्व पताका, पतित पताका, एकदिशि पताका, दो 卐 दिशि पताका (पृष्ठ ५०२)
Elaboration—Vayukaya (air-bodied being) has a transmutable body and its structure is like a flag. According to the commentator (Vritti) the shapes it takes are-raised or erect flag, downcast flag, unidirectional flag, bi-directional flag (p. 502).
तृतीय शतक : चतुर्थ उद्देशक
Third Shatak : Fourth Lesson
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