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upward movement of Vaimanik Devs undergoes continued acceleration and that of downward movement undergoes continued deceleration.
In upward movement Chamarendra takes three Samayas (the ultimate fractional unit of time) and the Vajra takes two Samayas to traverse the distance travelled by Shakrendra, the overlord of gods, in 41 one Samaya. (This means that) The Urdhvalok-kandak (unit of time lapse for upward movement or the time taken in travelling upwards to a specific distance) for Shakrendra, the overlord of gods, is comparatively 4 minimum and the Adholok-kandak (unit of time lapse for downward movement or the time taken in travelling downwards to a specific distance) for him is countable times more than that.
In downward movement Shakrendra takes three Samayas (the ultimate fractional unit of time) and the Vajra takes two Samayas to traverse the distance travelled by Chamarendra, the overlord of gods, in one Samaya. (This means that) The Adholok-kandak for Chamarendra, the overlord of Asurs, is comparatively minimum and the Urdhvalokkandak for him is countable times more than that.
That is why Shakrendra, the overlord of gods, could not capture Chamarendra, the overlord (Indra) of Asurs, with his own hands.
इन्द्र एवं वज्र की ऊर्धादि गति THE SPEEDS OF INDRA AND VAJRA
३५. [प्र. ] सक्कस्स णं भंते ! देविंदस्स देवरण्णो उड्ढे अहे तिरियं च गतिविसयस्स कतरे कतरेहितो अप्पे वा, बहुए वा, तुल्ले वा, विसेसाहिए वा ? __[उ. ] गोयमा ! सव्वत्थोवं खेत्तं सक्के देविंदे देवराया अहे ओवयइ एक्केणं समएणं, तिरियं संखेज्जे भागे गच्छइ, उड्ढं संखेजे भागे गच्छइ।
३५. [प्र. ] भगवन् ! देवेन्द्र देवराज शक्र का ऊर्ध्वगमन-विषय, अधोगमन-विषय और तिर्यग्गमन-विषय, इन तीनों में कौन-सा विषय किन-किन से अल्प है, बहुत (अधिक) है और तुल्य (समान) है, अथवा विशेषाधिक (दो भाग से कुछ अधिक) है?
[उ. ] गौतम ! देवेन्द्र देवराज शक्र एक समय में सबसे कम क्षेत्र नीचे जाता है, तिरछा उससे 5 संख्येय भाग जाता है और ऊपर भी संख्येय भाग जाता है।
35. (Q.) Bhante ! Of the movement (speed) upward, downward and transverse of Shakrendra, the overlord of gods, which one is less, which one is more, which one is equal and which one is much more (more than double)?
| भगवतीसूत्र (१)
Bhagavati Sutra (1)
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