पूर्वोक्त प्रकार से विचार कर वह स्कन्दक तापस, जहाँ परिव्राजकों का मठ था, वहाँ आया । वहाँ आकर त्रिदण्ड, कुण्डी, रुद्राक्ष की माला ( कांचनिका), करोटिका (एक प्रकार की मिट्टी का बर्तन), भृशिका आसन, केसरिका ( बर्तनों को साफ करने का कपड़ा), त्रिगड़ी ( छन्नालय), अंकुशक (वृक्ष के पत्तों को एकत्रित करने के अंकुश जैसा साधन), पवित्री (अंगूठी), गणेत्रिका (कलाई में पहनने का एक प्रकार का आभूषण), छत्र (छाता), पगरखी, पादुका (खड़ाऊँ), धातु (गैरिक) से रंगे हुए वस्त्र ( गेरुए कपड़े ), इन सब तापस उपकरणों को लेकर परिव्राजकों के आवसथ (मठ) से निकला । वहाँ से निकलकर त्रिदण्ड, कुण्डी रुद्राक्षमाला, करोटिका, भृशिका, केसरिका, त्रिगडी, अंकुशक, अंगूठी और गणेत्रिका, इन्हें हाथ में लेकर, छत्र और पगरखी से युक्त होकर, तथा गेरुए वस्त्र पहनकर श्रावस्ती नगरी के मध्य में से निकलकर जहाँ कृतंगला नगरी में जहाँ छत्रपलाशक चैत्य था और जहाँ श्रमण भगवान महावीर विराजमान थे, उसी ओर प्रस्थान किया।
17. At that time a large number of people were moving around at public places like triangular courtyards (singhatak ), crossings of three, four and more paths and on highways in Shravasti city. They were talking among themselves-Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir has arrived in Chhatrapalashak garden outside Kritangala city. People went out to pay homage to Bhagavan Mahavir.
Listening from people about the arrival of Bhagavan Mahavir, that Parivrajak Skandak of Katyayan clan had an ausciety (adhyavasaya), thought (chintan), desire (abhilasha) and resolve (sankalp) as follows— 'Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir is staying in Chhatrapalashak garden outside Kritangala city enkindling (bhaavit) his soul with asceticdiscipline and austerities. Therefore, I should go to him and pay my homage and obeisance. It would be beneficial for me that, after paying him homage and obeisance, after honouring and respecting him, I should worship him, who is the embodiment of beatitude, piety, who is the god of gods and pilgrimage personified. Having done that I should ask him all such meanings (arth), causes (hetu), questions (prashna), reasons (haaran) and elaborations (uyakhya) etc.
With these thoughts he came to the abode of Parivrajaks. From there he collected all the traditional paraphernalia of his holy order including—Tridand (trident ), Kundi (bowl), Kanchanika ( garland of Rudraksh), Karotika (earthen pot ), Bhrishika (mattress ), Kesarika (a piece of cloth for cleaning pots), Trigadi or Chhannalika (a wooden instrument), Ankush (a lancet to cut leaves), Pavitri (copper ring), Ganetrika (wrist band), Chhatra ( umbrella), Upanah ( shoes), Paduka (wooden sandals) and saffron coloured dress and came out of that abode
द्वितीय शतक : प्रथम उद्देशक
Jain Education International
Second Shatak: First Lesson
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