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卐 से वह अपक्रमण नहीं करता (वापस लौटता नहीं), कदाचित् चारित्रमोहनीय का उदय हो तो सर्वविरति (संयम)
से पतित होकर बाल-पण्डितवीर्य द्वारा देशविरति श्रावक हो जाता है। निष्कर्ष यह है कि मिथ्यात्व-मोहकर्मवश # जीव अपने ही पुरुषार्थ से गिरता है एवं मिथ्यात्वमोहनीय कर्म का बन्ध धर्म आदि पर अरुचि-अश्रद्धा रखने से 41 FIAT
ElaborationContextual meaning of mohaniya karma-Here mohaniya karma means mithyatva mohaniya karma (righteousness
deluding karma) and not the common mohaniya karma. Many ignorant i too indulge in endeavour for upward movement (towards higher spiritual si
levels) and do rigorous and harsh practices for the next birth. Shri Gautam Swami desires to know whether they do these practices on fruition of mithyatva mohaniya karma or on non-fruition (anudaya) ? Bhagavan's answer is very clear that they do these practices only on fruition of mithyatva mohaniya karma.
Virya (potency)—It is of three kinds—baal-virya (ignorant's potency), 5 pundit-virya (pundit's potency) and baal-pundit-viryata (ignoranti pundit's potency). One who is unrighteous and ignorant is called baal; $. his potency is baal-virya (ignorant's potency). One who abstains from all
sinful acts is a pundit; his potency is pundit-virya (pundit's potency). One who does not abstain from sinful activity due to fruition of
mohaniya karma although he is aware that he should abstain from that 4 activity is baal-pundit; his potency is baal-pundit-virya (ignorant\ pundits potency).
Upasthan kriya and apakraman kriya—The endeavour of upward movement (upasthan kriya) on fruition of mithyatva mohaniya karma 4 (righteousness deluding karma) is done only with the help of baal-virya si
(ignorant's potency). Apakraman kriya is the opposite of upasthan kriya; it means downward movement from a higher Gunasthan to a lower one. In other words a living being on fruition of mithyatva mohaniya karma regresses from the levels of samyaktva (righteousness), samyam (complete abstainment) or desh-virati (partial abstainment) to mithyatva (unrighteousness). He does not regress through pundit-virya (pundit's potency). Sometimes on fruition of charitra mohaniya (conduct deluding) $ karma he regresses from the level of complete abstainment through
pundit-virya (pundit's potency) and becomes a shravak with partial 41 abstainment. Conclusion is that a living being under the influence of 4
mithyatva mohaniya karma (righteousness deluding karma) falls of his own endeavour. And the bondage of mithyatva mohaniya karma
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