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12. (Q.) Bhante ! Do all the infernal beings with leshya (soul complexion) have same intake ?
[Ans.) Gautam ! Infernal beings in general, those with leshya and those with shukla leshya (white hue) fall in the same category. Those with krishna leshya (black hue) and neel leshya (blue hue) fall in the same category but there is a difference in their suffering which follows the pattern of maayi-mithyadrishti upapannak (born with deceit and unrighteousness) and amaayi-samyakdrishti upapannak (born without deceit and with righteousness). And the variations of saragasamyat, vitaragasamyat, pramattasamyat and apramattasamyat as mentioned with regard to humans are not to be stated here with regard to krishna leshya and neel leshya. Those with kapot leshya (pigeon hue) follow the same pattern (like krishna leshya), the only difference is that they follow the pattern of infernal beings in general (aughik). Those with tejoleshya (fiery or red hue) and padma leshya (pink hue) also follow the pattern of infernal beings in general (aughik). The only difference is that the variations of saraga and vitaraga as mentioned with regard to humans are not to be stated here. This is because those with tejoleshya and padma leshya are sarag (with attachment) as a rule.
The verse-Misery and life-span (karmas) are experienced as they fructify. As regards the similarity of intake, karma, colour, pain, activity and life-span, they should be read as stated earlier.
93.[1.] afa oj tjà ! ATA 3 YOUTFITSŤ ? [उ. ] गोयमा ! छल्लेसाओ पण्णत्ताओ। तं जहा-लेसाणं बीओ उद्देसओ भाणियब्वो जाव इड्डी। 93. [ 9. ) 404! mtaang Panah The 5* ?
[3.] ich ! manj UE i 18-, , dieta, toru, u site garmi JET प्रज्ञापनासूत्र के १७वाँ लेश्यापद का द्वितीय उद्देशक ऋद्धि की वक्तव्यता तक कहना चाहिए।
13. (Q.) Bhante ! How many leshyas (complexion of soul) have been stated ?
(Ans.] Gautam ! There are six leshyas-krishna, neel, kapot, tejas, padma and shukla (black, blue, pigeon or grey, red, pink and white). Here the text from Prajnapana Sutra, Second chapter, 17th verse title Leshya should be read up to the statement about Riddhi.
विवेचन : ५वें सूत्र से ११वें सूत्र तक नारकी से लेकर वैमानिक तक चौबीस दण्डकों के सम्बन्ध में निम्नोक्त gra-uret 97 #-(9) 44-3TETT, () #4-97 , (3) 44-vegane-:SATH,
प्रथम शतक : द्वितीय उद्देशक
First Shatak : Second Lesson
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