In Nataka, the main story is famous in history but in Prakarana, the story is imaginary. In Nataka, the hero is some famous ancient king but in Prakarana, the hero is the creation of the author's imagination. In Prakarana, the hero is either a Vanik, or a Vipra or a Sachiva. Sachiya means one who looks after the affairs of the State. Thus, the hero here can be either a minister or even the commander of the Army. In Prakarana, divine beings do not come on the stage. The hero suffers from many difficulties. The heroine is of middle-class family. There are Dasas, merchants, and Vitas also in Prakarana. Ramachandra gives seven varieties of Prakarana. BITRAUYA VIDYA BIN
Hon. Director, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
and October 8, 1981
General Editor, Singhi Jain Series
Jain Education International
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