subjected to this test, because it contains a different conclusion which does not mention any syllabic calculation. Counting the aksaras of the gathas (1357 gāthas and prose) printed in this edition, the total comes to 53497 letters. To this will have to be added the aksaras of the numbers of gathas, taking each numeral as one letter, which come to 4361. The grand total of these two will be 57858 aksaras. If we divide this by 32, the unit of Anuţsubh calculation, the Granthägra in round number would be 1808, i. e., just 8 slokas more than what is mentioned at the end of the Longer Recension. Our present total of gāthās (with some prose sentences ), put together from three mss., is 1357 ; and this will have to be reduced by 6 or 7 gåthås to agree roughly with 1800 Granthăgras. So we may tentatively conclude that there should have been about 1350 gåthås in the Longer Recension. The gåthas 1319,1 and 1320, 1-2 cannot have any place in the Longer Recension and 1333*1 is palpably a late addition to P. What other gathās have been added to the basic text by copyists and intelligent readers can be detected only when a larger number of Mss. of the Līlävati comes to light.
The author of the Lilāvai is not altogether silent about his biography. Though he does not say much about himself, he has described his grandfather and father in glowing terms. Bahulāditya was his grandfather. He was well-versed in three Vedas and performed three homas, and thus he had pleased the gods. He had earned the fruit of three human ends, namely dharma, artha and kama. He had performed sacrifices so many and so often that the columns of smoke arising from them touched and stained the very chest of the moon who still possesses the mark under the name of deer-spot. He was an ocean of virtues. Bahulāditya's son was
1 First the aksaras on each page were counted and they were added up in each
forme. The numbers of akşaras in all the formes, beginning with 1 and ending with 25, stand thus: 1415 + 1738 + 1559 + 1828 + 1846+2012 + 2042 +2115+2155+2153+2318+2489+ 2512+2449 + 2498 + 2371 + 2368+ 2312 +2377 +2337 +2226 +2322+ 2367 + 2368+ 1320 + 4341 (the aksaras of the numbers of gathas) = 57858. The counting has been done as carefully as possible ; even if there is slight difference, the conclusion will not be much affected. According to the Brhat Tippaņika (Jaina Sahitya Samsodhaka I, ii) No. 355 : strane UEWEATSSZAFAHT THAUTATI nar: 9888. Perhaps 1439 is a misreading for 1339. If my surmise is correct, the recension known to the author of B. T. is midway between J and P, so far as the number of gåthas is concerned.
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