and after a few MSS. were already circulated, he added some verses here and there and put a longer and more stately conclusion replacing the earlier one. In this manner the Longer Recension came to be shaped, and it is at the basis of PJ. Most of these additions were felt necessary to explain a suggested idea in better words, to make the connection of the story more clear, to make the context effective, and to supply some novel and brilliant scenes. Most of the verses special to JP, I think, are of such character.
The possibility of individual verses, sufficiently detached but somewhat significant in a particular context, being added to the text is always there; and such cases can be categorically detected only after more MSS. of each family are available. Some of the găthảs special to single MSS. may be just scrutinised here, the detailed discussion being included in the Notes. Taking up those from J, No. 16,1 looks quite authentic. Then No. 74X1 is sufficiently detached, though befitting in that context. The three gathas 585:1-3 begin with an address to Rambhā by Indra. They add a dramatic relish and graded effect to the context and are quite worthy of the author; there is a gap in B, So we are not in a position to ascertain whether B included them or not.
Turning to verses special to P alone, No. 136,1 is amplificatory and a part of the narration. Nos. 635,1-4 are quite essential for the story. There is no doubt that they are taken in P from some worn out MS. Nos. 6541 and 716 1 are admitted by P from some other Ms., and the position of the latter is somewhat loose. No. 662x1 is a good conclusion for Kuvalayāvali's autobiography. The last găthā 1333.1 is a plain later addition.
As to the special verses of B, Nos. 571 and 130841 are reconstructed gathās, quite worthy of our author. If 6241 is haplographically lost in other MSS., it may be looked upon as a worthy addition to those verses illustrating vyājastuti. The presence of 106, 1-2 makes the context more clear. Nos. 271, 1 and 272 are more or less neutral. No. 933,1 is perhaps the most important verse special to B; there is some reason to suspect that it was once present in p too. Nos. 1319, 1 and 1320, 1-2 form the necessary conclusion of the recension of B.
There is another test which can be applied to the Longer Recension to see how many gāthās it contained when it first left the hands of the author, presuming of course that he counted the syllables himself and mentioned (in gātha No. 1333 ) that his text contained 1800 Granthāgras according to Anustubh calculation. The Shorter Recension cannot be
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