-112 ]
It appears from another context that various prominent men (as well as the a s ) gathered together in a park outside the town to celebrate this festival. We get an expression guard which indicates that goeft was one of the days of this festivity (Ibid. pp. 408, 442). In the story of Hen (gaur on the GHIE by , A. D. 1073; Jacobi : Ausg. Erz., p. 2.) there is mentioned a चर्चरी of even चाण्डालs at the time of the मदनमहोत्सव (अन्नया मयणमहसवे जाए पवत्तासु alonaugh erte ag FUTBonautg Anh15107T fa parar a I). Every one of these texts refers to o in connection with this festival; and our author too uses at (verse 112 ) almost in the sense of #THEFT. That indicates that are was an important, if not the main feature of this festivity. A study of the above sources shows that the term ef is used with different meanings. It means a kind of ifa or song, to be distinguished from fegetaus, as well as a special गति. gait of march or stepping (चर्चरीसंजो गीतिविशेष गति विशेषोऽपि चर्चरी। यदुक्तम् । व्रतमध्यलयं समाश्रिता पठति प्रेमभरानटी यदि । प्रतिमण्ठकरासकेन वा
TASDI 6 ( ?) R II, quoted in the Notes on 1919, ed. Godabole and Parab, Bombay 1890; p. 5). It could be sung singly or by a party of two or more than two in a procession. It is such singing-and-dancing parties in procession that constituted the main feature of the ARHEIAT. Urteret (c. 900 ) in his CASTA. IV, introduces a of 32 dancing girls who are variously singing, stepping and acting, and thus presenting different poses, gestures and scenes. 104) Toit means also festive merriment, and a festival in general. That appears to be confirmed by the remark of the commentator : aftage losti o Hala etc. 105) The MS. B shows partiality for the spelling me for the fan of J., 106) Is it that
and 60have also a secondary meaning, charmer and charmer's ring, respectively? 797 was perhaps the popular name given to the spies. This episode of somen, it will be seen, has no inherent connection with the plot of our tale : at the most it gives an opportunity to the author to give a description of the paintings on her body whereby the painter from Simhala is introduced; this further gives an occasion for the minister-prince to report to the king (according to one Ms. after being inquired by the king in verses 106*1-*2) what he had heard from the spies about the expedition of Pastor and पोलिस against the king of सिंहल. It is perhaps a कथान्तर, which according to
E, is found in a , see Intro. pp. 41-42. 3728 = 14. 1061-2(B). The text reads consistently even without these two gāthās found in B only. But their presence makes the context clear. The remark of the Minister-prince reminds the king of the military expedition against the king of Simhala, and hence this inquiry. The spelling en or glea is uncertain : evidently it is an un-Sanskritic word. 107) JUNEFA TF, note the use of Loc. for the Accu. of destination or goal. 108) Rather faciunt: for Pain: in the com. art fodder and fuel. 110) 9€ = HT:, 45 aeriaa: 1
1 ° VI. 68. 111) Are we to read भीषिता for बिभीषिता in the com.? 112) अणवेलं = अन्यवेलं A t some other time; epop = spour ; hiery (also in 866 ) is Imperative II sing. Analyticlly it is the stem of the Potential with the Imperative termination and meaning. On kup see the notes above on 103. ale = VIII.
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