that सालवाहण was a great patron of poets. 73) पहुत्तप्रभूत or प्रभुक्त. We have an STAT here. 74) The march (CAIUTE = TEH) of the spring season is being heralded by the notes of cuckoos dwelling in the forest. Ik = . VIII. iv. 2. The figure of speech is seen 74*1) (J). This gāthā is in a way befitting. The context is not likely to suffer, even if it is omitted. 3 > > , the last quite a normal form in the Acc. sing. in 39:11. 977567 (PSM), here however TFET, subsidy given to a king. This verse is found in the CAJI (Calcutta 1944) No. 635, the only different readings being car for as and 34 great for heal of our text. The figure of speech is fecal. 76) qon is to be construed as an interrogation. The figure of speech is 31. 78) Are we to read Feate etc.? 79) We have an artisti here. Compare: पढम महुमासो जणस्स हिअआइँ कुणइ मिदुलाई । पञ्चा विद्धइ कामो लद्धप्पसरे हि कुसुमबाणेहिं ॥ रत्नावली, I. 16. 80) ja (or ) is not traced in PSM.; according to the 2. 1. It. 95, गोच्छा गोंठी गोंडी गोंजी एते चत्वारो मञ्जरीवाचकाः, some of them just illustrate variation in pronunciation; compare Kannada silk, a tuft of hair, a cluster. The com. duly explains the word je, but the text of it reads now its for gfq; so it means that some one has made this change after the commentator: it is an attempt to put a more Sanskrit word for the obsolele देशी term. णूमिय-छादित, है. VIII, iv. 21. 83) Here we have an 3 . Note the second quarter in B which reads it differently. Are we to read in the com.
:? The commentator is quoting here from Hemacandra's 37 BESTHOT, that being the name of his स्वोपज्ञवृत्ति on his काव्यानुशासनम् (ed. काव्यमाला ७०, Nirnayasagar Press, Bombay 1901 ; ed. with Introduction and Notes by Parikh and Athavale, Shri Mahavira Jaina Vidyalaya, Bombay 1938). The last sentence of the com. is corrupt; as I have restored it, it alludes possibly to arra's Ifa in which the com. presumes that these terms might have been defined by q121279. But I have not been able to spot their definitions in the FIFZ; by referring to arteria, perhaps the com. meaas any work on erotics. aifecus = 7era. 84) The figure of speech is उत्प्रेक्षा. Better read in the commentary प्रियसखी आहूयत इत्युकिरहस्यम्, 85) We have an 3941 here. The convention of the bride-groom and the bride wearing red garments is also referred to by Haribhadra in his HIF61 (ed. Jacobi, Calcutta 1926 ); at fag STTi tafada ATE37 BTHaqet, p. 70; Tiga Raiti Sri lausa7149TATI STATTAATTAJoalafeag 7 TT II p. 75. 86) fache-fanfa. 87) Here the the figure of speech is 21. 91) Agila AFIFTIE: arafata: grafa: (waited upon). Her name is so ( a), so note the shortening of final vowel in the expression चंदलेह-णामाए. Note the spontaneous doubling of the syllable (generally after the preposition ) in ACTRETA, 99956 ( 85 ), positat, arah ( 95 ), grapest ( 228 ), TEHV ( 303 ), forme ( 764 ) etc., see Pischel $196. 93) e, an earthly abode? Better atau of P. The PSM records पडहत्य, but हेमचन्द्र's spelling is पडिहत्थ, दे० ना० IV 28. The figure of speech is al. 95) Though the MS. B avoids the word forels by reading that portion differently, we have reason to believe that its reading was 7E311 and not act ( found in p). We have an ear here, and also in the next verse. 97) Fabiau fanfaa? fina=alfal. 98) It is equally possible to take me torte; 50ci feat ga puso attiert: 12. al. VI.
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