159.22 P जं जं सुव्वह लोए पयडं आहाणयं णरवरिंद | J अंतं जं सुव्व पयडं आहाणयं जणे सयले । P अफालिया वि ढक्का जिणधम्मो सुंदरी त्ति लोगम्मि । अने उण जे धम्मा ढं ढं ढं ढंति वाहरइ ॥
J फालिया व ढक्का छज्जीवणिकायरक्खणं धम्मो । जीयदयादमरहिओ ढं ढं ढं ढं ति वाहरइ ||
P जलणं जलं च जीए तस्स वहो अपघाइओ पुरिसो । J वेयसुई विरुद्ध अप्यवहो णिदिओ य विबुहेहिं । P पुहईजलजलणा निलवणस्सई तह य जंगमे जीवे ।
मारेंतस्स वि धम्मो हरेज्ज जर सीयलो जलणो ॥ J दुविहो त्थ होइ धम्मो भोगफलो होइ मोक्खधम्मो य । दाणं ता मोखफलं ता भोगफलं जइ जिआणं ण पीडयरो || P भागीर हिजल विच्छालियस्स परिसर कह व कम्मं से । बाहिरमलावण्यणं तं पि हु णिउणं ण जाएज्जा ।।
J जइ होइ सुद्धभावो आराहइ हट्ठदेवयं परमं । गंगाजललया को ण विसेसो भवे तस्स ॥
P अणवरय रुवतीए बाहजलोरल्लिधोयनयणाए । J अणुसमयरुयंती वाहजलोयालिमालवयणाए ।
Jain Education International
In some places J seems to add more matter (see for instance 26.10, 91.1, 147.2 etc.), but at times it could even be said that P omits it. In certain contexts J seems to add something and P something (see 24.12, 230.19, etc.). There are some places in which the alternative portions of P and J cannot go together (for instance, 151.20 -25; see also, 204.19 and 204.23 etc.). The concluding mangala passages (§ 431) also belong to this last category.
Judged by themselves J is more efficiently copied than P. P is full of lapses by way of omissions of portions here and there; in many cases these omissions are haplographical. The eyes of the copyist have wandered to a common word little later wherefrom he goes on copying omitting a portion in the middle (for instance, 96.21, 105.2, 139.1, 179.31, 182.14, 197.6, 210.9, etc.) J also has missed some portions haplographically (for instance 61.17, 72.26, 156.15, etc.), but such instances are comparatively a few on the whole. There are some two significant contexts in which innocent references to flesh etc. appear to have been skipped over in Pat 248.14 and 254.7; in the latter case P looks like improving on J. Then in another context, āsīsiyā in J stands as dhammala(b)hiyā etc. in P (99.25,31).
Then one is attracted by some longer and significant passages in J which are not present in P. Sometimes they are amplificatory or add fresh matter. The colloquial passage in J (151.20-26) is special to it, and the corresponding passage in P (reproduced in the footnotes: 151.24) is different. Then a pretty long passage, covering a page and a half (172.4 to 173.17 ) is found only in J. It is a
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