Trefor the commagery
Page 235—-lines: 16) Each line has 30 Ars; it is of the fat type; and it can be called fruft- (4x7, 2; with pauses after 12 and 8 HTTS). 24) facetaus (Hema.: Chandonusāsana IV.85). If t3 (meaning, group) is also a name of some metrical form, may be that the reading is corrupt (ffer??). *fcut, also spelt flat, what (fę3T)Hema., Ibid. VII. 67. fo=fall (Hema., Ibid. III. 68), or fat=a. Tre is well-known. 30) fureu=fagtui? fcho= fara ? The author is adept in such style, with pithy sentences.
Page 236-lines: 10) Some word is missing in the first line. 12) The first line presents some difficulty. Are we to read फुडं ति ।? 22) The प्रज्ञप्ति-विद्या helps them to know things at a distance; and it is both personified as well deified. 26) 5=a; it is recorded as an independent form of the Gen. Sing. of THC, see Hema. VIII, iii. 99. Or Gora, being read of uttered together, becomes जेण ए. 31) In the Ms. P, there is a Danda after एसो. P clearly reads तंतक्खणे, but J
@rut which is preceded on the margin by 18. As HERTEL has noted the Buddhist version (of the 9267) from Nepal was called AFTEYTT; see my paper in the Adyar Library Bulletin, Vol. XXV, parts 1-4, pp. 354-55. The Sanskrit version (p.* 78, 1. 4) calls this merely a popular verse, and reads the second pāda thus: HTTsaatley, perhaps a little improvement on the reading of P.
Page 237—lines: 1) This verse is quoted by Harişeņa (A.D. 931-32) in his agritt (Bombay 1943), p. 152 in this manner: TT TT- HTT: Faquta ( 40TA] HTT: quefcat I : TUTI T Iefa ara att fagy ll. 3) grafiH A# would be equally a good reading. 4) TA HE TOAT (eventually Ta'far)? Or go [Fa]? 16) Or #1 (negative particle) a aatfe eft. ‘And (I hope) he is not carried away or kidnapped by deities'. 29) Is 3ft just a particle of decoration here?
Page 238_lines: 1) This is a fagot 317f. 5) The imagery is finely projected. 14) furat, tip or top, compare Kannada ani. stify-T379. The comparison is possibly with a heap of tufts of शिरीष piled up in a big basket. 24) कावालिणिया, one who follows the routine of कापालिव्रत, a Tantric 144TT.
Page 239-line: 26) For facility of pronunciation, the intervocalic consonant t might have been retained in such words as faat.
Page 240-lines: 10) The word 177 has possibly some Fafa verse in view. We get in the a terutafa (8.83)-fafe cat arti qfaret: afajfa: 1 arif AT HTET Gati at per afa: 11. The practice of 3.7HUT or at seems to have been common in the society round about. See also a simile arising out of this custom, p. 82, line 20. 16) Here art is graphically compared with Afhait, a nicely worded metaphor. 30) Hereonwards we have not only a series of dependent उपमाs but also a good bit of अनुप्रास upto वणंतराइं, almost of the pattern of श्रृंखलायमक.
Page 241—-line: 17) In the first three as we have the 14 .
Page 242-line: 1) Hereonwards we have an exposition of उदय, क्षय and क्षयोपशम of ज्ञानावरणीय and other Karmas with reference to pu, 17, 17, 79 and 9.
Page 243—line: 13) Here is a contrast of the conditions in the Aparavideha and Bharata.
Page 244-lines: 5) Here is a Sanskrit quotation: 'HTET ATT AIT TĦ' 1. 24) This text says एक्को परं देवो. The Sanskrit text, however, 'द्वौ देवी स्तः, तावप्यल्पायुषौ।'. There seems to be some confusion of details in the Prākrit text. 28) Better a paragraph should begin with a etc. 30) Note how synonyms of root ta etc. are used.
Page 245—lines: 6) Here is an exposition of the Leśyā doctrine to explain how individuals occupied with the same act (see 246.9) incur different quantities of sin. 9) The form ET inherits the traits of ea. Note the form art, a relic of the Perfect. 12) Here is a fine account of what is known as लेश्यावृक्ष. 17) Are we to read ण य भायण (Acc. sing.) कप्पडे य फालियए? 18) 914, Desi, hungry.
Page 246-line: 33) Note the Yamaka in this verse.
Page 247—lines: 7) STATT TTGT' is a metrical foot. 14) The proper name Ta is rendered after by the Sanskrit digest, but it should be better TIC. 15) The story of Agadadatta in the com, of the FTTETTAT very much resembles this story. Compare the verse in the story मज्झे सत्त दिणाणं पुरचोरं नो लहामि जइ नाह । तो जलियजलणजालावलीसु जालेमि नियदेहं ॥ with line 16 here.
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