a mixed style comprising both and 3 which alone would meet the need of the situation. 24) The beginning of the Ferrari, which the author wants to make in a grandiose style offer
HTT6WHET etc., reminds one, if it is not an imitation or a parody, of Bāna who begins the tale proper thus: 3ffa eft fafea 1975T HEUGT125THAT Hata Hat etc. (p. 19, ed. PETERSON, Bombay 1900); compare also ta, 43, 73 fassurance. 27) A discourse on सज्जन and दुर्जन was conventional at the beginning of a कथा; see the लीलावई 12 f. Here the description of the art is in Apabhramsa, now and then contaminated with normal Prākrit forms which could even be optional in 379 . The coin is being compared with a dog, crow, ass, black serpent, poison, thrashing ground and dirt. Gunapāla seems to follow this context in his Jambucariya, pp. 1-2; His verse No. 9, on p. 1 is closely drafted after line 12 here.
Page 6-lines: 6) The figure of speech is fe here. 11) The metre is 360 with 27 ATTs in each foot, with pause after the 15th. Hemacandra's illustration of 2 (VII.3) shows the last syllable as short. It is in Apabhramsa. 15) Here onwards we have a description of
out again with plenty of 379xist forms. 17) The second line is in Apabhramsa. It is perhaps defective, because, like the first, it does not conform to the Gāthā pattern. Ayun is compared with fun, , feriut, FFTTETT, 43. Portions here and there have a metrical ring, for instance, 377fa1424371.
Page 7—lines: 6) firettyT37 or free, or a contamination of the both, with far. 7) In this descriptive passage we have शृंखलायमक. 21) विनीता is a secondary name of अयोध्या, see below pp. 8.27, 156.26, 177.7, 180.18 etc. 22) at qot Fyfe is a conversational and colloquial opening, and hence in 397. Some other forms also show vowel variation. 26) Here is a description of the roads in the market-yard. All the adjectives of the streets have a sleșa and have to be construed with the objects of comparison as well.
Page 8-lines: 4) The use of turmeric by ladies from FETTTE is well-known; see 670 61 and notes on it. Vākpati also refers to the profuse use of turmeric by Deccan ladies-019814aTfY A T aftauit OTTITI 7 AT TUTTUTTO PETOT fatifa 11 1359 368. 8) We have plenty of ETT here. 17) In $ 17 there are some Apabhramsa forms and plenty of illustrations of the figure of speech known as oftet, often arising out of sleșa. 22-23) The metre is Terfect. 29) The metre is afrontars, having 30 art in a line (4x7, 2): in that case read TEST at the end of the first line. That disturbs the ha a bit. The second line has no pause after 12 मात्राs, otherwise it would be a गीति.
Paee 9_-lines: 3) We have the figure of speech, after here. 12) Is the metre Enfifa (27)? The first line does not show pause after 12 19Ts. 18) The 3TFTT-HUGT is an Audience Hall. It is both 3T412, as noted here, and at, as noted at p. 11.15. To the Inner Audience Hall some friends, ministers, queens etc. have an access; while the latter accommodated kings and others, and is the veritable Durbar of the king ($ 40). 21) The context reminds one of the कादम्बरी in which the प्रतिहारी is ushering in that चाण्डालकन्यका. Some expressions here are closely common: cf. filgra61-'....againahifagfafa i gara Uda: TATHI ...... TGT trafini ETT024 qarfa Fatt: sagathulfaaet 1 (PETERSON'S ed. p. 8). Page 10—lines: 7) Here the passage contains some metrical units:
विवडेंत - छत्तयं ।
furaca-feci II [TTE, 10 (5, 5)]; 757-a I 5T-TIET II (Higfit, 9 (4, 5)]; aa-31479 -Flat II [Ibidem);
para I 01-II [Ibidem). 17) It is a gāthā (30+27); better read aifa za tel. The second part of the first line as read by P is metrical and more regular, 25) This is a nice analysis of the reasons why ladies in a joint family get angry. TECO means 'calling one by a wrong or bad name' which amounts to offending his or her family. The following sentence जण इमीए चेय गोत्तेण सयलमंतेउरिया-जणमहं gefa fit, however, needs further elucidation.
Page 11-lines: 30) The expression HEITTSTT spoutrefy cathe fa is rendered by the Sanskrit Digest in this manner ETH Tùsfraaifasy aat jali (p. *5.16). The idea that she entered 'fire'
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