The Third Uddesa (Pavvada-padi-bhogabhūmi-vaņņaņo, in gathās 246) describes the Kulaparvatas, their peaks and temples on them. Then follow the glories of the deities Šri etc. who dwell in the lotus temples in the lakes on them, as well as those of the presiding gods residing on the Jambūvệkşas etc. The great river Gangă flows from the Padmahỉd on the Himavān mountain. Flowing for 500 yojanas it rushes into a big lake at the foot of that mountain : in its course it washes many an image of Jina. Incidentally we get the description of lakes, streams, temples etc.
The Fourth Uddeśa (Mahăvidehāhiyāra, in gāthas 292 ) begins with the description of the Mandara mountain which stands at the centre of Tambūdvīpa. There are on it parks like Nandana etc. which are decked with gorgeous temples of Jina. It is in the Pāņduka park that the birth-consecration of a Tirthakara is celebrated by the gods. Incidentally the military glories of Sudharmendra are depicted here.
The Fifth Uddeśa (Mandaragiri-Jiņabhavana-vapņaņo, in gathās 125 ) presents a detailed description dimensions etc.) of the Jinabhavanas on the Mandara mountain, with their various items of decoration, articles of worship and architectural sectors. The Indras of various grades carry on different forms of worship here.
The Sixth Uddeśa (-Devakuru-Uttarakuru-viņņāsa-patthāro, in gathās 178) gives a detailed description of Devakuru and Uttarakuru with regard to their mountains, rivers, lakes, deities dwelling therein and the various trees there. There dwell various Nāgakumāras in different quarters and sub-quarters which have got special names. Some specific characteristics of the inhabitants are also noted in conclusion.
The Seventh Uddeśa (-Kacchāvijaya-vaņņaņo, in gathās 153 ) sets forth a description of the Videha-kşetra located in between the two Kulaparvatas, Nişadha and Nīla. It is divided into various sections due to mountains and rivers. The Kacchāvijaya iş divided into Khandas, o Aryakhanda and five others Mlecchakhandas. Here dwell Cakravartins whose glories are elaborately noticed. The three Varnas, excepting the Brāhmaṇa, are there; and they are all devoted to Jinas. The rivers have given rise to certain islands the presiding gods of which are conquered by are honoured by Mleccha rulers. The Cakravartin is made to realize that there were many Cakravartins in the past.
The Eighth Uddeśa(-puvva-videha-vaņņaņo, in gāthās 198) describes the Pūrvavideha with reference to its mountains, rivers, territories and capitals.
The Ninth Uddeśa(-avara-videha-vaņņaņo, in gāthās 197 ) describes the Aparavideha with reference to its mountains, rivers, territories, and
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