1. JAINA AUTHORS ON COSMOGRAPHY Indian Cosmography is a subject of immense interest and an independent branch of study by itself; and it is evident from earlier studies (W. Kirfel : Die Kosmographie der Inder, Bonn u. Leipzig 1920, pp. 208–340) that Jaina cosmography occupies an important position therein. Jaina texts dealing with cosmography have a manifold interest : first, the cosmographical details are worked out in an elaborate plan which shows a remarkable consistency and vision; secondly, these details have a close connection with Jaina metaphysical and ethical doctrines; thirdly, the entire range of Jaina literature, especially of the Prathamānuyoga group, is so much permeated by these details that a clear understanding of them needs constant reference to standard works on cosmography; and lastly, there is found in them a good deal of knowledge of contemporary mathematics. A historian of the growth of human knowledge in different countries and ages has, therefore, a special interest in these works.
In the Ardhamāgadhi canon there are some works dealing with this subject: the Sūrapampatti (Skt. Sūryaprajñapti, published with the Țīkā of Malayagiri, Agamodaya Samiti, Surat 1919), Jambuddiva-paņņatti (Skt., Jambūdvīpa-prajñapti, pub. with Sánticandra's Tika, Devachanda Lalabhāi Jaina Pustakoddhara, 52 & 54, Bombay 1920) and Cardapaņņatti (Skt., Candraprajñaptih). Besides the commentaries on the Tattvārthasūtra, which present good many cosmographical details especially in chapters 3-4, there are available many post-canonical texts : Umăsvāti's Jambūdvipa-samāsa with the commentary of Vijayasimha (Ahmedabad 1922); Jinabhadra's Samghayani with the commentary of Malayagiri (Bhavanagar Samvat 1973), Brhatkşetra-samāsa with the comm, of Malayagiri (Bhavanagar Sam. 1977 ); Haribhadra's Jambuddiva-sanghāyaṇi (Bhavanagar 1915) etc. (Schubring : Die Lehre der Jainas, Berlin u. Leipzig 1935, p. 216).
Then there is a small but well-knit group of the pro-canonical texts to which belongs the Tiloya-paņņatti, already published, in two volumes, in the Jivarāja Jaina Granthamala, Sholapur 1943 and 1951. The Loyavibhāga was another ancient text but only a Sanskrit digest of it, the Lokavibhāga, has come down to us. The Tiloyasära of Nemicandra (Bombay 1917) with the comm. of Madhavacandra is an important text of this group. To this category of texts belongs the Jambūdiva-pannatti-saṁgaha (JPS) an authentic edition of which, along with the Hindl paraphrase etc., is being presented in this volume. (See JPS, The Indian Historical Quarterly, Calcutta, XIV, 1938, pp. 188 ff.)
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