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Gaeganaschchammacha jopaharadomaanadeschaathaavidashmaanakasaitha nijiyavasamaya yutaashapakhaashavadotanaunnarayadillahtayashyayutharaharati avihandinmaanḍ vahaata viyaapahaai siyaanḍ daasashchanaadisahimuhaaravidaavaarahkade savijevarsatititamakamaka sammuharupati ghana malliyakaalapaṇavivaasiral sara ugawavimukkiya parivaadiekohi vidiyat sahipadhaaupachhi vadava gaagaharakanvaasissuramani ajijasandhug daviuvaapanivaasadevaanavisaavanitarapisataanasupadahkamaaravitarsarinda guposhsara kappaamaranaarid atirisafariyadaadhakarala kesarijarasahalakaala baritigganesaakshyako ṇ shiṇalanivasayasameṇa paavanavapanchavidhiyai sahahiscimaanaanadhaedhi saahaasa, pamillavikhashyalau ahamidhahithudaviraat jasaravitasiyajagapakadigdhosiyakalapa mikahimsaaharaanamaḍabaliviyamahiṭalahin gholatkusumamalaachalenivagaagadaakhandhya hin nahaastilaliyadhujhasahi santhanamahaamisaanahi avirahimitiyasapahanaphighika iyadaamahavamahaanimahanaa dasagasapasapasasidijayasayalavimalkevalapilyaharanaakaranadha
Dharmachakra walks ahead of them. The one who sees the Manastambha from afar, his standard of Kshaya is the pride of Devas and Narendras. Then Tiryaach. The fierce lion, elephant, Sharadul, Kol and Gandhar etc. with their terrible teeth, their order is destroyed. Those who have won over the arguments of many beliefs, even they do not give an answer. They sit with brilliance, filled with devotion and adorned with labor. Newly famous in five ways, they are struck by their own Vimanas and tremble with fear and maintain unbroken silence. Unchanging, seated in the moon, full of their own brilliance, the Ahmindras, leaving behind the throne that destroys raga, praised the Jinenadra Bhagavan. Their lotus face, which makes others pale, is visible in all directions. Those who sit in the twelve Kothas, nourishing the lotus of the world with the sun of fame, revealing the name and symbol of their clan, say of the crowns, "My face is in front of you."
Kissing the Mahital in rows, shaking the playful garlands of flowers, singing the Gatha and Skandhak, with hundreds of folded hands, bowing their heads, free from pride, pure, their sins destroyed, such a lineage of people, uttering beautiful praises, sat in the Kothas according to the praise of the Saudharma and Ishaan Indras and other leading Devas. ||3||
was done.
The women of all the pure Gandhar Kalpavaasi Devas, like fire, for the Dosha and Krodha-shaped Pashupasha, who conquer the Durmad Kamadeva. The Aryika Sangha, the women of the Jyotishka Devas; the women of the Vyantara Devas, the home of Kevalgyan and the abduction of Mithyadarshana etc. and the liberation of Samyakdarshana etc., O Creator, and the line of the women of the Bhavanvaasi Devas. Then the ten Kumaras, then the Vyantara Indra. Then the Jyotishdeva, Kalpavaasi, victory to you. ||4||