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Garakhe updi kulama jakana sa kamayam lutamasika leg ghanivander vipani devi gatamupkhaling, miraayo nic mishay do mutssisi vindugihalu u. Chavala tedip pisasuhan ma himihida strim patroskidanam kas masusi lima-shramhan samuh animisalo yahinki pesimasata siya mirind tansinvipadipaifani d hananeyasiddhi gayarathe jansari. Dharmasiuiti jagatam lonchaamukusumasarata yakha. Ek deumdarousamisaalu (ashya)
Inivenamakar nashyanipan mudrak diksapesike na vikaranena vihaliyajad jiuhargam yahitvivinamivishnamimanam mashmaggarhiti sirisarakam nukhijasutaad
And I have become a naraki in the Raurava hell. O Jin, I have suffered in sequence the adversity that I had done to you in the past.
Ghatta - In this way, by praising the Jin and blaming oneself, the Naga washed away his tam (greatest sin). And then, the face of the great Nami Maharaj, who is the helper, was seen like the moon. || 8 ||
They said, "O serpent king, who always brings happiness, you have come to the forest by splitting the earth. O gentle one, why are you in front of us, and why are you looking at us with unblinking eyes?" Then, the serpent king, who terrifies all the great kings, hearing this, said, "I am the famous serpent king in the world, worshipped by Indra, the best of the worlds, the destroyer of Kamadeva. These are our great masters. When they left the kingdom and became detached, they told me to do a task. They said that two people named Nami-Vinami, who are sent for the salvation of the bewildered and inert beings, who desire wealth and happiness, will come to me and ask for something. For those people,