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A pouch of excrement from the worm-like family, rich in the network of worms in the veins, decaying in a contrary manner, stimulating the mind with the pleasures of the senses, and not practicing austerities, is the outflow of the karma of a living being. This impure body is filled with juice and fat. Who has seen it inside? Outside, it is covered with a skin, a five-fold knowledge-revealing, which appears like a garment (covering); it is the prevention of qualities. It is always sticky, diseased, foul-smelling and extremely painful, due to the water in the form of urine and saliva. The darshanavaranī is of nine types, which is like a victorious and prohibiting gatekeeper. The shape of the defects of diseased bile, the house of the group of four great elements, earth etc., is the body. It is of two types, painful, like the bed of the love of the beautiful, which is sweet-containing and sweet-less, this living being, delighted with the joy of licking the edge of a sword, eats things born of impurity.
It is equally pleasant and painful. The mohaniya karma intoxicates like liquor, those who bathe in the water of the Ganges, which is considered holy by the twenty-eight elephant-elephants and crocodiles, attain delusion. Pride, discrimination, tell. The four types of ayukarma reach those who go to the four paths and this impure body, like a flaw, does not become pure from lust, anger, delusion, and attachment.
It remains blocked there. The name karma is of forty-two types and it is filled with results like the culmination of the colors of a painting. The gotra karma is of two types, like the potter's vessels, small and large, (high caste and low caste). The antaraya karma is four and one - five types, if it immerses itself in two types of austerities, then this impure humanity becomes pure. It is of five types, which prevents the giver from giving.