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## English Translation:
Yakshata - The queen of Palashkut King Yakshadatt 71.279
Pakshish - The residence of the Yakshas and the daughter of the Devarunas 71.390
Yakshamali - The Kirka king, Namika's maternal uncle 71.372
Yakshamitra - The brother of Shrichandra 75.491
Yakshil - The second son of Yakshadatt and Yakshadatta 71.279
Yakshil - The brother of Krishna in his previous birth, who became a Deva in the Mahashukra heaven 71.379
Yakshilla - A prominent official in the Sangha of Bhagwan Barnaath 65.43
Yakshi - A prominent official in the Sangha of Bhagwan Neminaath 71.186
Yativar - A Muni 60.366
Yativrishabha - A Muni 64.7
Yamadhar - A Muni 71.407
Yamunadatta - The wife of Bhanudatt Seth of Mathura 71.203
Yashaswati - The wife of King Vishvasen 63.414
Yashaswati - The wife of Hemam of Punnagpur 71.430
Yashaswati - An Aryika 75.32
Yashodhar - A Muni 48.67
Yashodhar - A Muni, who received initiation from Aparajit Balabhadra 63.26
Yashodhar - A Muni 70.154
Yashodhar - A Charanridvidhari Muni 71.420
Yashodhara - The daughter of Vaidury Deva, the wife of Shridhara 59.230
Yashodhara - The wife of Indradatt 63.92
Yashodhara - The wife of King Vajradant 76.140
Yasoabahu - A Muni of Acharang 76.525
Yasoabhadar - A Muni, a scholar of Prachararang 76.525
Yadav - Like Krishna, etc. 71.7
Yugandhar - A scholar of Videha, a Vara 58.17
Yuddhaviriya - A Vidya 62.971
Raghu - The son of King Maghava and Queen Vitashoka of Moshambi 70.64
Raghu - A friend of the king of Raghu-puram 70.179
Raghu - A Nat of Tejasrapur 75.467
Rati - A Devi of Kubera 63.16
Rati - A Devi 63.289
Ravivega - The Jiva of Anupama - a pigeon 75.457
Rati - The son of Jayamen and Queen Jayasena of Prithvinagar 48.59
Ratishen - The king of Pundikini Nagar, related to Punkalabani of Videhakshetra, the third previous birth Jiva of Bhagwan Sumatinayaka 51.3
Ratishena - A Devi 63.289
Ratnakant - The son of Ashva Privika 63.135
Ratnami - The son of Pradiy-Inkachitra 62.60
Ratnachud - The son of Ashvani Maur and Kanakachitra 62.60
Ratnatejas - A Seth of Rajpur 75.451
Namala - The daughter of King Ativega and Priyakarini, the wife of Vajrayudh - the Jiva of Shradhara
Ratnamala - The wife of the 11th Tejas 75.451
Ratnarath - The son of Ashva and Banavachitra 62.60
Ratnavati - The daughter of King Gopendra and his wife Prithvisundari of Videha Nagar 75.644
Ratnasen - The king of Ratnapura 63.120
Ratnangad - The son of Greev and Kanakachitra 62.60
Ratnayudh - The son of Patrayudh and Ratnamala - the Jiva of Yashodhara Aavika 59.243
Ratnayudh - The son of Trayudh 59.246
Rasnayudh - The son of Aavoka 63.135
Raman - The son of Dhandev Vaidya and his wife Jindatta of Varanasi 76.319
Rambha - A Devi 63.136
Ravikiti - The commander of Ravana's army 68.531
Ravichul - A Deva, the son of Amitneja Vidyadhar, born in the 18th Swayam Nayavart Vimana 62.410
Rashmivega - The son of Surya and Yashodhara, the Jiva of King Sihasen, who became a Deva in the Shri heaven 59.231
Rashmivega - The son of King Vijay of Podanpur 62.275
Rashmivega - The son of Vidyutmala, the wife of King Vidyudgati Vidyadhar of Trilokottam Nagar