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Dhandevi - wife of Seth Subandhu of Champapur 72.243 Dhanapati - son of King Nandi of Ompur 53.12 Dhanapati - King of Dhanapatipur 6503 Dhanapati - King of Chandraab Nagar 75.391
Dhanpal - King of Ratnasanchyanagar, son of Mahabal 50.10 Dhanpal - son of Ghanadatta Bor Nandayasha 70 185
Dhanpal - a Shravak of Rajpur 75.258
Dhanbhadra - son of King Betka 75/4
Dhanmitra - King of Ratnapura, son of Padmotar 58.11. Dhanmitra - Rajaseth 59 221 Dhanbhitra - a Varshik of Vindhyapur Nagar 62.100 Dhanmitra - son of Sagarsain and Dhamit
Gatika 63.264 Dhanmitra - a Sala of Jeevandhar 75.430
Dhanmitra - wife of Seth Dhan of Ujjayini
Devaki 7696
Dhanmitra - wife of Kuveradatta 76.237
Dhanshri - daughter of King Bemit Vikram and Queen Banandmati of Nandanpur 63.13 Dhanshri - daughter of King Dhananjay and Queen Sabandhi of Meghpur 71.253
Dhanshri - daughter of Agnibhuti Bor Bala 72.230 Dhanshri - wife of King Shrishen of Champapur 75.82 Dhanshri - wife of Rajagruhi Dhanadatta Baith 76.48 Dhanya - a cart driver of Rakhapur 63.157
Dhanya - King of Gulmkhetpur
Dhanyapen - a King of Pataliputra where the first Bahar of Bhagwan Dharmanath took place 61.41 Dharan - King of Kaushambi - father of Bhagwan Pach 52.15 Dharnijata - a Brahmin of Chal Gram in Magadh country 62.325 Dharatmaja - Sita 68 312 Gharasuta Sita 68.207 Dharma - the chief Ganadhar of Bhagwan Vasupujya 58.44 Dharma - a Balabhadra in the Tirth of Bhagwan Vimalnath 59.63 Dharma - the fifteenth Tirthankar Dharmanath
Dharma - a Muniraj 71.454 Dharmaja - Yudhisthir 72.261 Dharmaputra - the eldest son of Pandu and Kunti, whose other name is Yudhisthir 70.115 Dharmapriya - a Seth of Rajagruhi 76.124
Dharmamitra - gave the first Bahar to Bhagwan Kundhunayak 64.41
Dharmaviyam - the main questioner of Bhagwan Padmam 76/530 Dharmaruchi - a Muni 59.256 Dharmaruchi - son of Dhanadatta Bour Nandagan 701186 Dharmaruchi - a Muni 72/231 Dharmaruchi - a Muni 763 Dharmasheel - the other name of Surendradatt Seth of Vineeta Ayodhya
Dharmasinha - a Muni 70173 Dharmasen - a Muni 71.391
Dharmasen - a Muni who was the Dharak of Dapoorv 76.523
Dharmila - a Brahmin who was given the position of Shri Bhuvi Pratyagosh by King Singhan 59187 Dharan - son of Andhakavrishti and Subhadra
Dharana - the chief Naka of the Sangha of Bhagwan Shreyansanayak 57758 Dharini - wife of King Suryaprabha of Suyaprabhpur 70/28 Dharini - wife of King Purvir 70/94
Dharino - wife of King Garudayeka 75.303 Dharini - wife of Hariyal 76.263 Dharmikee - daughter of Math of Konambi and Sethani Subhadra 71.437
Dhumketu - a Dev, the Jeeva of King Kanakarath whose Khoka Madhupaharan was replaced by Pryumn 42247 Dhritarashtra - son of Dhyas Jar Subhadra 70.103 Dhriti - a Devi 54/169 Dhriti - a Devi 63.200 Pratisehen - son of King Jayasen and Queen Jayasena of Prithvi Nagar 48/59 Dhritishen - a Charan Rishi of Mandaramirik forest, Riddhi. Ghari Muni 6320 Dhritishen - a Muni 63.248 Dhritishen - son of King Dharyavarma of Singhapur 75281 Dhritishen - a Muni who was the Dharak of Daspoorv 76.522
Dhritishena - wife of King Garudaveg of Kanakpur 63.165