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## Uttarapurana
**Vishvakshitisha-** King of the Universe
**62.122 Vishvanarthin-** Desiring food
**Sharm-** Comfort, **Sukha-** Happiness, **611 Sharmparampra-** Tradition of comfort and happiness
**48.55 Shalatu-** Raw fruit, **481117 Shalya-** A defect in a Veena (musical instrument), **70.271 Shankar-** One who brings peace and happiness, **7011 Shakathika-** Charioteer
**Vishamat-** Snake, **71.214 Vishaya-** Country, **48.3 Vishtpanalika-** A vein in the body, a vein in the earth. This vein is located in the middle of the earth. It is fourteen Rajus high and one Raju wide. **51317 Vishnuvidheya-** Servant of Krishna
**70.482 Vishvanan-** Food, **76.136 Vitghrun-** Merciless, **67.309 Vidhra-** White, **33 Vritraha-** Indra, **76.30 Vejit-** Trembling, **76.399 Vaimukhya-** Adversity, **7118 Vaiyatya-** Arrogance, **70.265 Vairagyakashta-** Highest level of detachment, **61290 Chaishravanopam-** Like Kubera
**70.147 Gyasu-** Dead, **71015**
**[Sh]** **Shakatakara-** Shaped like a chariot, a knowledge from Kansa's previous birth, **701419 Shachipati-** Indra, **74.357 Shabdashastra-** Grammar, **54021 Shamphali-** Messenger, **63.123 Shayu-** Python, **59||313 Sharad-** Autumn, **69.80 Sharabyapti-** Spread of the grass called Gondra. The spread of arrows in a battle, **69.21 Sharava-** Earthen pot, **74 342 Sharira Sannyasa-** Renunciation of the body, death in Samadhi, **69.12**
**Shakhaamriga-** Monkey, **761441 Shikshaka-** Teacher, **Parameshti-** Supreme Lord
**48.44 Sheetka-** Slow, sluggish in action, **68.437 Shuklapakshanta-** Full moon, **615 Shuklaaleshyavaya-** Possessing both material and spiritual white qualities, **61.11 Shuvisukla-** Jyeshtha Shukla, **61352 Shulka-** Tax, **76.410 Shulkameeluk-** One who takes away tax, **701128 Shokashani-** Thunderbolt of sorrow
**48.62 Shaundakarini-** A type of weapon
**701347 Shwani-** Hell, **75216**
**Sama-** Year, **6193 Samadhan-** Concentration of wealth, or Samadhi, **48.13 Samasamanivriti-** One who is about to attain liberation, **49.3 Samprardhana-** Promise, **48170 Samphali-** Messenger, **54.212 Samminnashrotru-** One who knows the cause, **6283 Sambhuya-** Together, **62.112 Sambhramta-** Confused, **62.115 Sammada-** Joy, **51522 Sammukhina-** Mirror, **49.1 Sammukhina Talopama-** Like a mirror, **66.30 Sanjuga-** Battle, **57176 Sanrammasambhrita-** Filled with anger, **63.161 Sapashyaya-** Snake bed, a jewel of Krishna, **70.441 Sashan-** Peacock, **67.29 Sarvagirvan-** All gods, **636410 Sanveganjanaka-** Causing fear, **70.2 Sahasadhana-** With an army, **751647 Sahasrasamayushka-** One who lives for a thousand years, **71.123 Sahasraksha-** Indra, **50123 Sanhata-** United, **64.3 Sadhana-** Army, **6180 Samaja-** Elephant, **59.197 Samaya-** With disease, **589 Samavayikata-** Help, **6841 Sarva-** Beneficial to all, **53.11 Savadha-** With sin, **51.10 Savashttamma-** Arrogant, **62.176 Siddhartha-** Successful, **48.136 Singhvahin-** A type of knowledge, **62.112 Singhvistar-** Throne, **633149**
**Shatopavasa-** Two-day fast, **64||39 Shodasha Sama-** Sixteen years, **75.690**
**[S]** **Sajani-** With a woman, **6sh22 Sanchitaya-** One who accumulates wealth, **49.57 Saparya-** Worship, **674 Saptchchhad-** Seven leaves, **61142 Sapreksha-** Thoughtful, **70.212 Samavart-** Yama, **61178 Samavarti-** Yama, **684606**