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## English Translation:
Kshemapura - A city in the Sukkach country, located in the Videha region. 53.2 Kshemapura - A city in the Videha region. 5712
Kshemapuri - A kingdom in a foreign land.
Water 63.213
Kshema - Videha 63.213
Lagnag - Vijayardha mountain
Khagapura - Name of a city 61.70
Khachrach - Vijayardha mountain 62.241
Langapura - A city 67.141 Videhi - A night dwelling 63.217 Sa-Viveki - Capital
63 293
Di - A forest 7253 Khadir - A forest 180461
Ramanavambu - A city in the Uttararthani region of Jambudvipa 6329 Gaganbaslam - A city located in the Uttarashreni of the Pushkalavati country, in the Videha region of Jambudvipa 70.39
Gaganbalam - A city in the Dakshina Shreni, related to the Dim of Jambudvipa 75.301
Ganga - One of the fourteen great rivers 63.195 Ganga - The famous river of India
Gajavati - A river in the Bharat region 59/119
Gandhamadana - A 63.204
Uttara Puranam
Gandhamadana Kumadanapa
Gandhamadana Parvat - A mountain in Videha 70118 Gandhamalini - A country located on the north bank of the Sitoda river in the western Videha region of Jambudvipa
59.109 Gandhamalini - A
river 63.207
Gandhamalini - A country in Videha 62.212 Gandhavira - A country 63.212.
Gandhara - A country 63204 Gandhavati - A river 701322 Gandhil - A country in the western Videha region of the Ghataki Khandadipa 59.274
Gandhara - A city in the Gandhara country 63.284 Gandharavishay - A country region
Giritat - A city 67.270 Girinagara - A city in the Surashtr country 71.270 Gulma Setpura - A city where the first Tirthankara, Parshvanatha, attained liberation 73.112 Godha - A forest
701241 Govardhana - A mountain near Mathura 70418 Gautam - Indradbhuthi
village 74.357 Preshak - There are nine Praveyak Vimanas above the sixteenth Swayambhu. These are one above the other. From the beginning, the first three are called Madhyama Praveyak, the next seven are called Parase, and the last one is called Paramavaiveyak.
The Devas residing in these are called Ahmindra 499 [Cha] Chakraka - Mahendrakasra's Vimana 6278
Chakrapura - A city in the Bharat region
Chakrapura - A city where Bhagwan Barnav attained his first liberation 65.35
Chakrapuri - A kingdom in Videha 63.217
Chakrapura (Chakrapur) - A city 59.239 Chandadega - A river in the Bharat region
Chandan - A forest 620401 Chandra - A lake 63.199 Chandrapura - A city in the southern part of Vijayak 71.405 Chandrapura - Chandrabhagwan's birthplace, Chandrapuri, located near Varanasi 548161 Mah - A Baksaraviri 63.204
Chandraabha - A city 75.390 Chandrodhayagiri - A mountain
Chamarchachapura - A city 62.229
Champa Nagar - A place known as Nathnagar near Bhagalpur 58.17
Champapura - A forest near Nathnagar, near Bhagalpur city in the Bihar province 70183
Charanyugal - A city in India 67.213 Charano - A part of Sammed Shikhar 69.90