Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
## Verses and their order:
**152** Somaśrī, her beloved
**154** Standing, a rooster's feather
**265** Soma's gain, feeding her
**487** Standing, the life-breath of her
**504** Standing, freely, for a long time, playing
**484** Soma's gain, to whom enmity was done
**463** Standing, to free, that Nand
**363** Standing, they are well, there
**155** Courtesy, brothers, Dharma
**103** Standing, he lives, raised up
**258** Self-initiation, the constellation
**247** Courtesy, is destroyed, by falling
**348** Standing, here, inactive, for a month
**563** Standing, two days passed
**476** Self-born, rising, burden
**525** Standing, in the Saudharma Kalpa, the shining one, there
**284** Standing, in the Saudharma Kalpa, the god was
**563** Standing, in the sixth fast
**207** Self-name, hearing, drying up
**163** In the Sauvarma Kalpa, Śrīṣeṇa
**372** Standing, with firm feet, he entered
**41** Self-foot, nail, crossing
**317** Standing, with firm, fierce, taste, immediately
**317** Self-foot, dancing, for the sake of entertainment
**63** Standing, with firm feet, auspicious
**377** Standing, with firm, high, white, led
**486** Standing, in the Saudharma palace, the end is rejected
**532** Standing, in the pillar-house, he was
**448** Self-grandfather, in the abandonment
**376** Standing, in the Saudharma, the swing, swaying
**166** Standing, pillars, thick, ripe, fruits, rising
**465** Standing, in the form of a large Vetāla
**216** Standing, the ocean of beauty, this
**138** Self-son, student, in the feeling, courtesy, knowledge of the world
**176** Standing, the shoulders, in their momentary nature
**261** Standing, bathed, adorned, pure
**383** Self-previous, done, merit
**302** Standing, breast, birth, thus
**468** Standing, bathe, the mind, concentrate
**186** Standing, breasts, strong, pressure
**386** Standing, daughter-in-law, by envy, work
**188** Self-previous, birth, connection
**101** Standing, still, darkness, meditation, destroyed
**386** Self-previous, birth, connection
**422** Standing, praised, then, praised
**511** Standing, praised, then, praised
**566** Standing, desiring, to please, the person
**205** Standing, dreams, Krishna's second
**336** Standing, dreams, after
**160** Standing, praising, the good, praising
**186** Standing, praising, self-birth, connection
**68** Standing, dreams, what is the fruit of this
**265** Standing, dreams, seeing, rising
**541** Standing, clearly, hearing, knowing
**47** Standing, women, the world's beloved
**317** Standing, shining, pain, sword, ray
**136** Standing, dreams, even, by some, mind
**420** Standing, women, with all qualities, worthy
**136** Standing, remembering, the Devakumāra, named
**266** Standing, self-influence, shining
**286** Standing, women, experiencing, them
**26** Standing, womanhood, being-womanhood, one
**136** Standing, remembering, with a thousand, years
**452** Standing, remembering, the deity, should be remembered
**253** Self-birth, other, connection
**401** Standing, women, and, such, quality, possessed
**41** Standing, smiles, variations, Sarasvati
**205** Standing, smiles, then, self-victory, he
**376** Standing, self, house, coming
**512** Standing, women, creation, even, the conqueror
**403** Standing, smiles, previous, birth, heap
**294** Standing, self, house, come, Lakshmi
**542** Standing, place, they, blame
**447** Standing, remembering, alas, blaming
**512** Standing, place, shift, happiness, cut
**326** Standing, established, climbing
**512** Standing, established, he, on the head
**418** Standing, would be, to the village, able
**256** Standing, self, fallen, leaf
**224** Standing, firm, not, knowledge, dispassion
**481** Standing, firm, mind, discerning, truth
**238** Standing, firm, mind, deluded
**500** Standing, would be, enmity, you, certainly
**531** Standing, firm, I will, this, hearing
**265** Standing, self, by the entourage, even
**561** Standing, self-radiant, and, all-being
**411** Standing, self-radiant, knowledge
**464** Standing, firm, to make, a ball, below
**164** Standing, self-thought, that, praise, hearing
**405** Standing, firm, that, nourishing, yoga
**102** Standing, self-wheel, like, her
**523** Standing, self-radiant, named, god
**412** Standing, self, before, even, him, to kill
**67** Standing, self, before