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In the Uttarapurana of the Mahapurana:
Like a hungry person, I eat without discrimination, lamenting, "I am eating!" Disturbing the three worlds, the Bhukhechara Kumara became a Bhavanavasi-Indra and wandered in the forest, intoxicated. Becoming the Asura, he approached Vrishabhasena. There was once a king named Padmagulmakhya, who performed severe penance. The king, unable to bear the penance, became known as Bhupala. In that battle, the king's valor was meaningful. Born in Simhapura on the earth, he again prevented the fear of Samsara for many. He again prevented the loud noise of the destruction. He obtained a multitude of ornaments. For the sake of ornamentation, the Sala tree became his. It is said that the king had many servants who were like gold. Out of affection, the servant named Dridhapriharyakhya was dear to the king. Summoning him, the king should use the rod of punishment. The crest of the mountain is the abode of the Serpent. He should be given Virapura to enjoy. The Brahmana should be given to enjoy. Quickly removing the thirst for enjoyment, through the union of enjoyment and yoga. Considering the enjoyments, the monkeys, some - 354. The experience of enjoyment is for one - 213. My daughter, do not be attached - 452. Through the doors of enjoyment and enjoyment - 261. In the temple town of the fish - 363. The great queen of the fish lord - 360. On another day, at the time of eating - 151. Outside Mathura - 416, 404. After feeding, then giving that - 113. "Oh, from where have you obtained?" - 378. In the proximity of the Bhaumopādhyāya - 182, 463. Wandering, Viśākhānandī - 85. With the substances that excite Madana - 201, 184. The bees, leaving the lotus - 266, 250. Wandering in the forest of fear - 288. His brother named Sumitra - 167. From my good fortune - 300. Gradually contemplating with delusion - 230, 231. Then going out - 565, 307. Wandering, at the end, on the bank of the Sindhu - 348. And with the honey-drinking bees - 165. Wandering in the wilderness of Samsara - 150, 524. The sweet Vakula and others - 535, 466. With the help of the sweet and others - 151. The sweetness also arose between them - 206. With sweetness, the nature of the deer - 104. By some king of Madhura - 104. At midday, the destruction of the kings - 558. In the middle of that mountain - 136. In the middle of that, the well-behaved - 345. In the middle, that - 376. In the middle, the lofty-minded - 372. In the middle of the forest, circumambulating - 355. In the middle, placing the two - 322. The knowledge of the mind's penetration - 16, 252. Maniketuḥ, again his - 463. Manimatiḥ, the aerial, adorned with qualities - 330. The knowledge of the mind's penetration, the scriptures, penance, and tranquility - 304. I do not have much intelligence - 443. For whom the essence of human birth exists in my hand - 521. Having attained human birth - 515. Humans are suspicious, animals - 562. The lifespan of humans is superior - 562. For the sake of the birth of my dear son - 366. The misconduct of humans - 46. May you forgive the son - 458. Withdrawing the bow and arrow - 263. Purification of mind, speech, and body - 291, 222, 560.