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## The Uttara Purana of the Mahapurana
**Verse 455:** For seven days without rest, the Ksheera-jati (milk-kind) clouds will rain water and milk, causing the earth to shed its dryness.
**Verse 456:** From this, the earth will gradually acquire the qualities of color, etc. Then, for seven days, the Amrita-jati (nectar-kind) clouds will rain nectar.
**Verse 457:** As a result, medicinal plants, trees, shrubs, and grass will flourish as before.
**Verse 458:** After this, the Rasa-adhika (rich in taste) clouds will rain the six tastes, giving rise to them. The humans who had previously taken refuge in burrows will emerge and live happily, utilizing these tastes.
**Verse 459:** As time progresses, the bodies of living beings will gradually grow, overcoming their previous decline.
**Verse 460:** Then, the Dushama-kal (period of hardship) will begin. During this time, the lifespan of humans will be twenty years, and their height will be three and a half hands.
**Verse 461:** This period will also last for twenty-one thousand years. During this time, sixteen Kulakaras (family leaders) with pure intellect will be born in succession.
**Verse 462:** The first Kulakara will have a body slightly less than four hands tall, while the last one will have a body seven hands tall.
**Verse 463:** The first Kulakara will be named Kanaka, the second Kanakaprabha, the third Kanakraja, the fourth Kanakadhwaja, the fifth Kanakapungava, the sixth Nalina, the seventh Nalina-prabha, the eighth Nalinaraja, the ninth Nalindhwaja, the tenth Nalina-pungava, the eleventh Padma, the twelfth Padmaprabha, the thirteenth Padmaraja, the fourteenth Padmadhwaja, the fifteenth Padmapungava, and the sixteenth Mahapadma.
**Verse 464:** These Kulakaras will be distinguished by their wisdom and strength.
**Verse 465:** During their time, the earth, water, grains, etc., will flourish in a prosperous manner.
**Verse 466:** Humans will abandon immoral conduct and consume appropriate food at the right time. They will cultivate friendship, modesty, truthfulness, compassion, self-control, contentment, humility, forgiveness, and moderation in attachment and aversion.
**Verse 467:** They will follow virtuous conduct and cook their food over fire.
**Verse 468:** All this will happen during the second period. Then, the third period will begin. During this time, humans will have bodies seven hands tall and a lifespan of one hundred and twenty years.
**Verse 469:** Then, during this period, the Tirthankaras will be born. The names of the first seven Tirthankaras are: 1. Shrenika, 2. Suparshva, 3. Udank, 4. Prosthil, 5. Katpru, 6. Kshatriya, 7. Shreshthi, 8. Shankha.