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Mahapuraana, Uttara Puraana
She continued to self-deprecate. She did not even inform her elder sister, Mrigaavati, of all this. 59
On another day, the Veer (Mahavira Swami) entered that very city for food. Seeing him, Chandana went forward with great devotion. As she approached, her chains fell off, and her body, adorned with ornaments, became beautiful. As if burdened by the ornaments, she bowed and touched the earth with her head, prostrated herself, and welcomed him according to the proper procedure. 61
Having fed him, the Maanini (Chandana) was honored by the Amars (Devas). The earth rained flowers, the sound of celestial drums echoed, and the praise of the gift was sung. Indeed, excellent punya (merit) bears its abundant fruit immediately. 62-63
Hearing this news, Mrigaavati, Chandana's elder sister, came to her with her son, Udayan. Knowing this, she embraced Chandana with affection and asked her about the past. Hearing the whole story, she became very distressed. Then, Queen Mrigaavati took her home and comforted her. Seeing this, the Sethani, Bhadra, and the Seth, Vrishbhasena, were both frightened and took refuge at the feet of Mrigaavati. The compassionate Queen made them both bow to the lotus feet of Chandana. 64-66
Chandana forgave them, and they were very happy. They said, "This is as if embodied forgiveness itself." Hearing this news, Chandana's relatives also came to her. Everyone in that city went to pay homage to Mahavira Swami. Chandana also went there. There, she developed detachment and renounced her relatives, taking initiation. Through the greatness of tapascharya and samyaggyaan, she attained the position of a Ganini at that very moment. 67-68
Hearing this story of Chandana's present life, King Chetak asked again, "What did Chandana do in her previous birth to come here?" In response, Ganadhar Bhagwan said, "In this very Magadh country, there is a large city called Vatsa. King Prasenjit ruled there. In that city, there lived a Brahmin named Agnimitra. He had two wives, one a Brahmin woman and the other a Vaishya's daughter. The Brahmin woman had a son named Shivabhooti, and the Vaishya daughter had a daughter named Chitra Sena. 69-72