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The 27th Chapter
In the city of Podanapura, the king Chandradashanamahipati and his queen Devila had a son named Indravarma, who was skilled in all arts and qualities. [204] The Pandavas, having defeated and killed Sthugagandha, gave him the kingdom. [205] The news reached the Pandavas that Indravarma was pleased with them. [206] The Pandavas decided that they should definitely come here and that Draupadi's Swayamvara should be held, as there would be no opposition from anyone. [207] In the spring, the king built a Swayamvara pavilion. All the kings came there, including the Pandavas. [208] Bhima was known for his cooking and his ability to subdue a maddened elephant with his bare hands. Arjuna was famous for his skill in archery and his ability to pierce a fish with an arrow. [209] The other Pandavas were recognized by the arrival of Narada. [210] When all the kings were assembled in the Swayamvara pavilion, Draupadi, adorned with jewels, entered the pavilion. [211] The purohit, Siddhartha, described the lineage, qualities, and virtues of each king in turn. [212] Draupadi, adorned with a garland of flowers, honored Arjuna by passing him the garland. [213] The kings of the Kuru dynasty, descended from the lineage of the Pandavas, and other kings were pleased, saying, "This is a suitable match." [214] Thus, having achieved many auspicious things, the Pandavas returned to their city and spent a long time in happiness, making it seem like a moment. [215] After that, Arjuna had a son named Abhimanyu with Subhadra, and Draupadi had five sons named Panchala. [216] Here, Yudhishthira played dice with the king Duryodhana. The killing of the Kichakas in the city of Bhujangasail, the Pandavas living in the service of King Virat of Viratnagar, Arjuna's retrieval of King Virat's large herd of cows, and the retrieval of a smaller herd of cows by Arjuna's younger brothers, Sahadeva and Nakula, are events that should be narrated in detail by those who know the Puranas, as per the scriptures. [217] Then, in the Kurukshetra war, the Pandavas fought against the Kauravas. Having defeated the king Duryodhana, the Pandavas...