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## The Fifty-First Chapter
May the Tirthankara Sambhavanatha, who is like a mirror illuminating all things with his knowledge and who destroys all forms of hypocrisy, bless me with prosperity. ||1||
In the past, in the Jambudvipa, in the eastern Videha region, on the northern bank of the Sita River, there was a country called Kachcha. In its city of Kshemapura, King Vimalavahana ruled. ||2||
This king, destined for liberation in the near future, became detached from worldly affairs for some reason. He began to contemplate that there are three causes of dispassion in this world. ||3||
Firstly, this living being, even while residing between the teeth of Yama (the god of death), desires to live. Due to the rise of moha karma (karma of delusion), he does not contemplate a way to escape from it. Therefore, this ignorance-filled darkness is to be condemned. ||4||
Secondly, the lifespan of this living being is countless moments. They have taken refuge in these moments, but it is surprising that these moments of life lead them to Yama's presence for their destruction. ||5||
Thirdly, these living beings, scorched by the heat of desire, seek refuge in the shade of the dilapidated banks of the river of worldly pleasures. May their refuge protect them well. ||6||
Contemplating thus, King Vimalavahana relinquished his kingdom to a minister named Vimalakirti and accepted discipleship from the Jina, the Self-Luminous one, i.e., he took initiation from him. ||7||
Being a knower of the eleven Angas, he bound himself with the karma of name, which causes disturbance in the three worlds, through the sixteen causes of contemplation. ||8||
Finally, he relinquished his body through the method of renunciation and became a Graveyaka, residing in the Sudarshana Vimana, possessing great powers. ||9||
His lifespan was twenty-three Sagaras, his body was sixty angulas tall, his complexion was white, he breathed once every eleven and a half months, he remembered food with his mind after twenty-three thousand years, his enjoyments were devoid of any investigation, his knowledge of the future extended to the end of the seventh hell, he had the power to move within the realm of his knowledge of the future, his radiance was as vast as his body, and his knowledge of the future extended as far as his radiance. ||10-12||