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The Mahapurana, Uttara Purana
The state of such sharp (pointed - cunning) objects whose actions are inspired by others is as follows. Like many Vidyaadhar birds whose mutual enmity is bound, they were killing each other, considering their lives as insignificant as grass, with arrows. 562-564 ||
Many warriors wielding bows, with their sights fixed on the target, were killing many elephants, as large as mountains, with swift, sharp arrows. One warrior killed an elephant with a single, heart-piercing arrow. It is right, for those who desire victory accept those who know the heart of others - they include them in their side. One warrior, unconscious from the wound, covered in blood, was revived by the wind from the wings of the approaching vultures and began to kill many more warriors. One slightly unconscious warrior, seeing himself being carried away by a celestial maiden, laughed with joy and suddenly got up. In the battlefield, filled with arrows, echoing with the sounds of war drums, where headless bodies dance continuously, and where the canopy of arrows is cast, one warrior, whose entire intestines are bound and who is worshipped by the flow of much blood, had attracted the valiant Lakshmi to his side through a Rakshasa marriage. In that battlefield, the Dakinis were dancing with great agility, and the jackals were making terrifying sounds. Those jackals, with their mouths turned upwards, seemed very terrifying with the sparks of fire coming out of them. The group of Rakshasas, whose group of scissors is raised upwards and who are holding trembling skulls, were spitting out a lot of blood that they had drunk. The sun's disc also became devoid of light and radiance at that time due to the falling of very sharp arrows, Naraacha, and Chakra, etc. weapons. Just as the group of false believers, attacked by the Syadvadis, suffers defeat, so at that time, the army of Ravana, attacked by the soldiers of Ramachandra, was suffering defeat. Thus, the battle continued in that battlefield for a long time. 565 - 604 ||
In that battle, many people died, many were wounded, and many sinners, unable to give up their lives, died with their breaths caught in their throats || 605 || At that time, those dying men were raising such doubts that Yama, the god of death,
g० ।
१ नाना स्वयाः खगैः ल० । २ लक्ष्यानडा ख०, ख०, ब०, ग०, म० । ३ निरन्तरे ख०, ४ प्रचुररुधिरचरणचर्चितः । ५ विभीषणः ज्ञ० ।