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In the Mahapurana, Uttarapurana, there was great wailing of the deities residing in Saketa. The earth trembled, and stars were seen in the daytime in the city. || 130 || "That Tathagata Kumar has come to the Shala to eat. Calling him, seat him on a high seat, the seat of the slain." || 139 || Due to his influence, those appointed showed him teeth. Seeing that, the attendants said, "That food is rice." || 140 || He also recognized it and said, "Let him be brought." He ordered his servants, who were strong. They reached him and said, "You have been called by the king, so come quickly." He replied, "I do not take employment like you, so why should I go to him? You go." Saying this, he rebuked them. Due to his influence, all the servants were afflicted with a fever of fear, and they all went to their respective places. || 141-143 || Hearing this, Parashurama became very angry. He came, ready for war. Seeing him come, Subhauma also went towards him. || 144 || Parashurama ordered his army to fight with him. But Vyantaradeva, the ruler of the Bharat Kshetra, who had protected Subhauma Kumar from birth, also protected him at that time. Therefore, Parashurama's army could not stand before him. Seeing this, Parashurama himself sent his elephant towards Subhauma. But at that very moment, a Gandharaja-madounmatta elephant appeared for Subhauma. Not only that, a divine chakra-ratna, protected by a thousand deities and a means of becoming a Chakravarti, also appeared nearby. It is right, because what does not happen in the face of destiny? Just as the sun rises over the eastern region, so too did Subhauma Kumar emerge, mounted on that Gajendra. He was very adorned, holding a chakra with a thousand blades in his hand. Seeing him, Parashurama became very angry and came forward to kill Subhauma. || 145-149 || Subhauma Kumar also sent him to the other world with the chakra - killed him, and immediately declared a proclamation of safety for the remaining army. || 150 ||
After the Arnatha Tirthankara, two hundred crore thirty-two years passed, and Subhauma became a Chakravarti.