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In the Mahapurana, Uttara Purana, Ashvagriva, overwhelmed with anxiety, asked the sage Shatabindu in private, "What is the meaning of this omen? What is its consequence?" 115
"The one who killed the lion in the Sindhu country, who forcefully took the offering sent to you, and for whom the king of Rathnupura, Jwalanajati, gave you a worthy woman as a gift, will cause you great distress." 116-117
"All these omens are indicative of him. You should take action against him." 118
Having heard this from the sage, Ashvagriva, keeping it in his heart, said to his ministers, "Self-knowing people destroy enemies and diseases as soon as they arise, but we have foolishly forgotten this due to our pride." 119-120
"Even now, this wicked one is worthy of being destroyed like the sprout of poison, by you without delay." 120
The ministers, having investigated everything through their secret agents, confirmed the truth of the sage's words about the lion killing, etc., and concluded that the son of Prajapati, Tripṛṣṭha, was a great arrogant one on this earth. He, with his prowess, was trying to conquer all the kings. 121-122
"We should test him, how he feels about us, whether he is friendly or hostile. We should send simple, sincere messengers to test him." The ministers said this to the king separately. 123
Hearing this, the king immediately sent two wise messengers, Chintagati and Manogati, to Tripṛṣṭha. 124
Going there, they first informed the king of their arrival, then saw him, and then, bowing respectfully, offered him a suitable gift. 125
Then they said, "King Ashvagriva has ordered you to come to the mountain called Rathavarta, as I am going there." 126
"We have come to bring you. You should accept his order and come." They said this loudly. Hearing this, Tripṛṣṭha became very angry and said, "I have seen Ashvagriva (horse-necked), Kharagriva (donkey-necked), Kraunchagriva (crane-necked), and Kramelakagriva (camel-necked). He is not a new person for us to see." 127-128
When he finished speaking, the messengers said, "He, Ashvagriva, is the lord of all the Vidyadharas, the master of all.
1 Kuru etasya. 2 Taḥ lo. Asmakam.