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## The Sixty-Fifth Chapter
**26.** The elephant entered the queen's womb, and the king was overjoyed. This happened on the eighth day of the dark fortnight of Chaitra, in the Purvaashada Nakshatra.
**27.** The deity descended from heaven in Chaitra, on the eighth day of the dark fortnight, in the Purvaashada Nakshatra, due to his virtuous qualities like good conduct. He entered the queen's womb like a drop of water enters a pearl shell, due to his virtuous qualities like roundness.
**28.** The gods performed the first auspicious worship for his pleasure. After twelve months, on the twelfth day of the dark fortnight of Magha, in the Vishvayoga, he was born.
**29.** The gods, filled with great joy, immediately took him to Mount Meru and performed his great coronation. They named him Shitalnath.
**30.** After the passing of Pushpadanta, nine crore oceans of time passed, and then Shitalnath was born. His lifespan was included in this time. Before his birth, for one-fourth of a Palyopama, there was a break in Dharma-Karma.
**31.** His body was golden in color, his lifespan was one lakh Palyopamas, and his height was ninety Dhanus.
**32.** When one-fourth of his lifespan passed, he reached the age of a young man and attained the position of his father. He achieved the supreme Siddhi and ruled his people.
**33.** His Karma, like good conduct, good name, good deeds, and good lineage, were all free from the Karma of death and were accompanied by the Karma of Tirthankara.
**34.** All these Karmas combined together, due to the rise of his excellent Anubhaga-Bandha, provided him with all kinds of happiness. How can his happiness be compared to anything else?
**35.** When one-fourth of his lifespan remained, and his worldly wanderings were very few, his Pratikyana-Avarana Kshaya ended.
**36.** The great and powerful Shitalnath once went to the forest for a stroll. He saw that the layer of frost, which had covered everything just a moment ago, had quickly disappeared.
**37.** This incident gave him self-knowledge, and he began to think that everything in the world is constantly changing, and therefore, the whole world is perishable.
**38.** Today, I have realized the truth of suffering, the sufferer, and the cause of suffering. Due to the influence of delusion, I used to consider these three as happiness, the happy, and the cause of happiness.
**39.** "I am happy, this is happiness, and I will get this happiness again due to the merit I have earned." This is a great delusion that arises without the knowledge of time.