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## Sloka Anukrama (Order of Verses)
240 427
245 | 427 | 437
These are the portions of the Arhat's (Jina's) teachings. 245 | You are like fire, 427 | Giving to Sulochana, 437 | Without attachment, these beings, who are only skin and bones,
give gifts to the worthy.
368 They are your enemies, born of your bad conduct and shame.
64 They gave to him, the kings of the east and Kalinga. 66 They gave more than what they had consumed. 165 We are born from you. 156 He gave charity to the good. 325 They are like the Himalayas, difficult to cross.
184 They have a habit of eating curd and rice. 146 They are ordinary, all of them. 107 All the laws originate from you.
332 They, with great effort,
148 They have a very strong vision. 204 They have attained satisfaction.
210 They live in the city of Bhoga. 120 They are like your sons, my sons.
165 They are enduring the heat of penance. 287 They have become free from desires and pleasures. 356 They have attained the right path by your grace.
246 He does not have a tooth-stick in his hand. 253 He has abandoned the company of clothes and other things.
186 He is urged by the teeth of the elephant. 286 He has abandoned the company of cold and heat.
148 You are pure by your praise.
144 He is called Kubera, the beloved. 285 He has abandoned the rituals of bathing, etc.
276 He has abandoned the treasury, which was dug up by the hooves of the elephants.
260 He has a connection with the bed of grass. 253 He has abandoned the treasury, which is seen by all.
482 You are showing the nearby. 482 You are the great king, the king of the sages.
460 He has abandoned weapons, clothes, and weapons. 285 You are the one who eats the flesh of the enemy. 276 You are the one who opens the door of the cave.
233 He has abandoned the eight kinds of flying creatures. 367 You are the one who opens the door of the cave.
264 The ten powers are mentioned. 454 You are the one who gives justice.
312 The ten powers are the houses. 502 You are the one who gives my ornaments.
472 You are the one who gives the reason. 460 You are the one who gives the reason.
155 You are the one who gives the reason. 471 You are the one who gives the reason.
244 You are the one who gives the reason. 153 You are the one who gives the reason.
301 You are the one who gives the reason. 408 You are the one who gives the reason.
34 You are the one who gives the reason. 148 You are the one who gives the reason.
356 You are the one who gives the reason. 141 You are the one who gives the reason.