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Then it is the duty to oppose, then from the hoof-stroke of the horse, then all the good and bad, then the armed and united, then the pure of all impurities, then the one named Sagaradatta, then Sukhavati Kubja, then let the beginning of the battle be, then the series of his enemies, then your submission to him, then guided by his own mantra, then this is his empire, then the conduct of the one facing him, then the signs that are known, then the one adorned with a mountain of jewels, then with jewels and so on, then approaching with obeisance, then this is your sovereignty, then this is the attainable of the accomplished, then this is the yoga-nirvana, then this is the giving of the law by Indra, then come quickly, O long-lived one, then worshipping him with an arrow, then the Indras worship him, then this is their caste-purification, then the prince also, then this is the supreme knowledge, then the one with a broken waist, then the destruction of the affliction, then the one known for both forces, then the jewel-filled womb, then the singing of the Kalinikvaana, then crossing the earth of the city-gate, then the greatness of the suffering itself, then the one facing forward also by compulsion, then knowing only the rain, then O god, tell us, then he stopped from that, then the goddesses and the great goddesses, then the spread of the light of the body, then the difficulty, the place of the wound, then the Dharma-based scripture, then up to the fruit of the cause.
The order of the letters of the verses:
513 | Then with the beautiful one, 500 | This austerity is not a medicine
287 Then with the lips full of bimba
Then embraced by the goddess of austerity 162 500
Then knowing, the lord of the lineage of the king 434 Then making austerity, in the end of time 457 404 Then this is the forest of the beings
485 Then the earth scorched by hot ashes | 164 Then the desire of the arrow-seat
Then open the door of darkness 168 498 Then the knowledge beyond the senses
Then all darkness, then calamity 414 486
Then as if a cow, some 343 Then the rest of the path, on the path 117 Then as in the cycle of existence, the embodied one
Then the citizens sprinkled him
221 266
Then you, the cause of the cycle of existence 505 Then from our daughters, the desire 364 Then bring it down, here
162 433 Then half of the conquest of the kingdom
458 Then in the streets of the tamala forest Then the eyes seeing the form of light 230 Then they served in the darkness, slowly Then the wind of the word, strong
Then with the wonderful Lakshmi 133 328 Then the word, in front of me 177 Then with the wonderful Lakshmi 128 Then the forest, blown by the wind
Then seeing from afar 177 110 Then knowing the lineage itself
Then he enters the dark cave Then seeing that, the prince became 460 Then approaching the high conduct 121 Then seeing that, the rival wives of her
Then attacking the dumb one Then seeing the parents, they
446 Then meditating on the one syllable
352 Then the unbearable heat of the body
Then the one white mountain 124 Then the